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Old 11-30-2016, 01:56 PM   #1
Joy Stick
Registered: Dec 2015
Distribution: RHEL 4.7
Posts: 127

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DNS configuration in RHEL& OEL - (5.x or 6.x)

Hi all,

Good Morning,

I am an Oracle DBA.
I am trying to configure DNS in Linux (RHEL/OEL) 5.x or 6.x
I have referred some blogspots, i am getting confused.

To configure DNS, what are things i need to concentrate?
I need experts advice.

Thanks a lot.
Old 11-30-2016, 02:03 PM   #2
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What are you confused about? What have you tried?

Normally on RHEL systems you just need to install

yum -y install bind-chroot
Then edit your zone files.

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Old 11-30-2016, 02:25 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by Joy Stick View Post
I am an Oracle DBA. I am trying to configure DNS in Linux (RHEL/OEL) 5.x or 6.x
Which one? And as you were told last year, if you're not paying for RHEL, you should NOT BE USING IT. Further, RHEL 5 is totally unsupported, and 6 is fairly old at this point, when the latest is 7.x. Get the latest CentOS if you're not going to pay.

And your post makes little sense too...are you a DBA or the sysadmin??? Unless you're the systems administrator, you really shouldn't be doing things of this nature.
I have referred some blogspots, i am getting confused.
And since we don't know what these 'blogspots' are, or where you're confused, what do you think we'll be able to tell you?
To configure DNS, what are things i need to concentrate? I need experts advice.
You were given advice last year, about not using RHEL if you're not paying for it, and about reading the "Question Guidelines" and providing seem to have ignored all that advice.

Putting "how to configure DNS in rhel6" into Google will, amazingly, give you lots of how-to guides, with step-by-step directions...did you try that? First two hits:
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