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Old 03-23-2004, 02:05 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Spokane, WA
Distribution: Mandrake 9.1, 9.2, RH9, OpenBSD
Posts: 13

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dm hangs on shutdown/restart (Mandrake 9.1 + Netscape)

Whenever Netscape crashes on my Mandrake 9.1 box, the dm stop hangs during a shutdown/restart. For awhile, I was just manually turning off but when the computer came back on it said, of course, that the computer was not shut down properly and wanted to check the hard disk.

I have tried to Ctl-Alt-F4 to a terminal and to stop the dm using /etc/rc.d/init.d/dm stop. Still to no avail. Even when I force the computer to shutdown from the command line using reboot and/or halt, it starts back up and still needs to check the hard disk.

How do I
1) either prevent netscape from crashing or
2) use the command line to get the computer to properly shut down all services and unmount the partitions?

I have tried to install netscape both using the .rpm as well as a the .bin file provided via the Netscape site. Also, Netscape 7.1 does not play nicely with java j2re.... I removed the from the plugins folder and at least it opens and browses most sites properly. I'm not sure if it is flash or some other feature on certain sites that causes the browser to crash.

Appreciate the help since I did not find another thread pertaining to this issue.
Old 03-23-2004, 04:38 PM   #2
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if/when netscape crashes, open KDE system guard and see if the process is still running and kill it if it is

i would heartily recommend using mozilla firefox
it's a beauty of a browser

FAR superior to netscape


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