Hai All,
I have a win Modem sm56 mototrola speakerphone modem. It works well in 2.4.* kernel versions. ie in linux 7.1 redhat versions. Now I have installed the redhat 8.0. But I am disappointed to see that the win modem of mine is not working in the much more modified and advanced version in RH 8.0 Why is it so. Or is it my mistake in installing? There is an expert mode where in I can configure each and every peripherals. Could it be a solution for that? Should I go for that? I am a little bit scared to do that because I am a newbie.
Is there anybody over there who configured a win modem of my type in RH 8.0. The 'Yes' Respodse itself will make me so happy. So please tell me whether anybody made it right and could you please tell me how?. I will be so happy hearing the solution because just because of this, Now I am in a dilema whether to go back to windows or the older version ie redhat 7.1. So please help me so that I can get all the new features in RH .8.0. I have tried my modem in RH 7.2 too . Bu I failed. Why is it so?
Please help me and a lot of Thanks in Advance.