Originally Posted by vinaytp
Hi all...
I have a testing application, under which I need to disable Ctrl-x and Few other keys...
My Problem is If i disable Ctrl Key using xmodmap command..All the other Ctrl combination are getting disabled...For ex: Ctrl-s, Ctrl-a etc..My goal is to enable some combination of Ctrl key and disabling some combination of Ctrl key..
How can I proceed with this...Any hint will be greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance...
Hard to say, since you don't give any details about the application.
There are ways to ignore control keys in shell-scripts and other programs, but they're dependent ON the programs. The way you'd do it for a shell script is different from how you do it in C, Perl, etc.
If you just disable the ctrl key, why not go under your desktop environment, and remap that function to some other key combination? Again, you give no details, but both KDE and Gnome have places to map keys to do different things.