Difficulty partitioning hard disk using Gnome
Wow this is a steep learning curve! My self build has an ageing bios (1997) and a 4gb main drive with 40gb secondary, 192 ram, old AMD 266 processor, which I'm dealing with by using Beafanatix- it's very good and I'll be posting some comments when I've got a bit further. I have had to load using "failsafe". At present I can only run from the cd as I can't get it to load on HD due to partition issues!
It wants about 600mb partition (which I have) and 128 swap partition- I set up 256mb as a Linux swap using Gnome, that didn't help, then another 256mb as FAT32 also in Gnome- still not there. I find that the Linux swap is inaccessible within Gnome and I'd prefer not to weaken and go back into MS-DOS to fix it. Can I do something within opensource software?
I have followed a thread about size of partitions, and the required sizes are now clear to me, but my ability is sadly limited so I don't really know how to create the partitions in a way that the CD will be able to work with- all I can do in Gnome is make the partitions, adjust sizes, and assign file types- should I be using FAT32, Linux swap, or something else? What about the names of the partitions? And mounting partitions? Apologies for ignorance but as I say I'm on a steep curve here... and I can't seem to touch the Linux swap partition.
I'm very impressed with Linux and the Linux community and really want to take this further so any help will be appreciated!