Hi, this might be a question that belongs in the Security section, but it can also be n00b-question, but I rather want to be called a n00b in the n00b-forum than in the Security-forum
(But moderator, please move the thread if it placed in the wrong category)
Anyway, I've a server that runs FTP, DC-hub, Apache2+PHP4 etc etc.
All new users I add to the system are allowed to connect to the FTP, and their homedir is a sub-directory in the www-dir. BUT, they're also allowed to connect to the SSH-server, and browse the whole filesystem. The access via SSH is pretty fun when it makes it possible to use nmap and irssi or whatever through SSH.
BUT, I want them to stay in their homedirs.
Is this possible to perform in an easy way? I'm not really familiar with chmod (If it's nessasary).
Thank you!
/Linus Waerner