gspca Not! your driver. your driver is sn9c102 it does video only for your Sonix and it is using it. It is a v4l2 driver that is why it worked out of the box.
This should get your sound and microphone working.
Make sure you have alsa utility installed open a terminal or console type
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
make sure alsamixer is installed
sudo apt-get install alsamixer
now type alsamixer
now press the F4 key use your arrow keys go to the right and for input press the up key or down key to mic or MC. then left arrow to capture left and right turn them up the up key.
turn the mic boost up. press F5 and and turn up the mic. if you see master or pcm turn them up.
I know there is a GUI (graphical user interface) program for all this but with over a hundred different distros it is much easier this way. after this is set up use the little speaker icon for volume