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Old 03-09-2005, 06:31 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 240

Rep: Reputation: 30
Delete /usr/share directory?

Is this directory safe to delete?

I have a SUSE 9.1 box running only FTP services.
Old 03-09-2005, 06:37 PM   #2
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That depends on whether there's anything important in varies from system to system. If there's nothing in there then you might as well just leave it blank as it's only taking up the 4KB used by the inode. If it has stuff in it then you'd better leave it as that stuff might be needed by something. As with most things, there's probably a reason for it's existence.
Old 03-09-2005, 06:53 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
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thank you very much for the reply.

my dilemma is that it is taking up (mysteriously) 1.3 GB of precious disk space... I dont recognize anything in the directory (lots of subfolders). I may delete it to see what happens... restore it from backup if things go wrong/arnt working.
Old 03-09-2005, 07:57 PM   #4
El Basto
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Suse 9.1 is not a light distro. I think mine (9.2) takes up about a gig and a half also. If disk space is an issue you might look into using a more light weight distro.
Old 03-09-2005, 08:54 PM   #5
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/usr/share contains icons, pixmaps (graphics for your applications), all your themes and stuff like that. Might even have your man pages I'm not sure. At any rate, probably best not to delete it


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