Cups Died, got it working
I had a similar problem which came out of the blue (SUSE was running fine for a year and a half, lost a hard drive from a power supply problem, reinstalled with 9.1 and started all over, haven't recovered the old drive data yet-boot sector/etc) where CUPS was giving me similar errors, and acting all stupid about communicating with the printer (can't find directory, can't find file, etc). I followed several threads, replaced some missing directories for cups, still no workie, but got different errors as though everything sent to the que was the wrong kind of file, so kept at it. Followed this one, didn't fix it either. Then I went back to Yassir Ain't Somethin' Tweakin' and ran the update, selected patches manually and found a CUPS update was there, too. Ran all the updates I thought might help or be urgent, and VOILA!! Cups acts like it got a new brain or something and prints, but it didn't find the USB printer automatically, tho it did so before, so I'm weirded out about that.
Maybe now I have all this ED-Jeu-CAY-SHUN, I can get the windows machines to find the printers over the wireless waves, too.
So, Thanks, I guess.