crontab won't run under user in Kubuntu 9.10
I know the answer is simple, I have excluded all of the possible variables and I am trying this as an experiment.
I am running Kubuntu 9.10 on two computers and have simplistic crontabs, but they simple don't run. (Googled first, followed several guides on Ubuntu forums and looked for previous threads here)
I crontab -e "username" and the crontab file is as follows:
# m h dom mon dow command
11 09 21 11 * /usr/bin/amarok
It should simply launch amarok at 9:11 A.M. on November 11.
I added the local user to the /etc/security/access.conf file for local access that was in one of the "gotyas' I read about.
NVM, I did solve it.
"It is possible to run gui applications via cronjobs. This can be done by telling cron which display to use"
00 06 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 amarok -p (which loads Amarok and plays the last playlist loaded.
Last edited by Mohtek; 11-21-2009 at 11:57 AM.