You'll want to read up a little on configuring
sudo. It can give a fine level of control, if configured wisely. The manual page, see "man sudoers", is the authoritative reference but manual pages not are not intended to be tutorials. So you'll need to find supplementary material when getting started. I'd recommend Michael W Lucas' talk "sudo: You're Doing It Wrong", which is available as slides or video. It's long but worth the content.
The gist is that through configuring /etc/sudoers, you can limit groups to running specific programs with specific options. If you really want that locked down, then
cat is the bare minimum. The following allows any account in the group "readers" to read any file on the system:
%readers ALL=(root:root) /bin/cat
As in
sudo cat /path/to/some/file | less
Or you are
probably just as safe running a pager, but with shell escapes disabled:
%readers ALL=(root:root) NOEXEC: /usr/bin/more, /usr/bin/less
Look up the syntax, especially the NOEXEC: modifying, for the above in the manual page for sudoers. Be sure to use
visudo for editing the configuration file. It won't prevent all problems but will at least ensure that the syntax is ok.