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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is the place!


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Old 12-04-2009, 02:33 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 2

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Creating a script that adds or subtracts.


I need to create a script that takes two numbers as input from the user, and then asks the user if they would like to add or subtract the two numbers (using a case statement). Then print out the result in a friendly message. I also have to make sure to let the user know if they choose an option that was not on the menu. Any help would be appreciated!
Old 12-04-2009, 02:39 AM   #2
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It would help if you gave us more information, i.e. what you've done so far, the language you're working in and what you're having problems with. This doesn't seem like a complicated task..
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Old 12-04-2009, 02:43 AM   #3
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What did you learn in class? What resources are you using to help learn shell scripting? What have you tried so far?
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Old 12-04-2009, 07:36 AM   #4
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Per the LQ Rules, please do not post homework assignments verbatim. We're happy to assist if you have specific questions or have hit a stumbling point, however. Let us know what you've already tried and what references you have used (including class notes, books, and Google searches) and we'll do our best to help. Also, keep in mind that your instructor might also be an LQ member.

What is particularly rude here is that you did not respond to the 2 replies---both posted within 10 minutes of your original question.

Please feel free to start a new thread that meets these guidelines.

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