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I have some books in format plain text (extension .txt) I would like to create a word file from these books (put every words into new row). What methods do you recommend?
Part of the book:
Ik ben een vondeling.
Maar tot mijn achtste jaar geloofde ik, evenals alle andere kinderen, ook eene moeder te hebben, want als ik weende, was er eene vrouw die mij in hare armen nam en mij tegen haar boezem drukte totdat mijne tranen ophielden te vloeien."
I use this method:
1. Arrange every words into new row:
tr ' \t' '\n' <Alleen_op_de_Wereld.txt >book.txt
Do you have a better command for this step?
2. sort, uniq commands book.txt
3. remove special characters with commands
How familiar are you with "regex"? sed/vi/perl?
Random bits: (globally)
s/[^a-Z0-9]/ / (turn all NON-alphanumerics to spaces)
s/ / /
(change any 2 or more spaces into one: needed code tags for 2spaces)
tr... uppercase lowercase
(now, only 'alpha-numeric' single-space-seperated words left)
then turn all the spaces into \n
then your sort&uniq
Last edited by Jjanel; 11-26-2016 at 04:46 AM.
Reason: fix the TWO-spaces with CODE tag
How familiar are you with "regex"? sed/vi/perl?
Random bits: (globally)
s/[^a-Z0-9]/ /
s/ / /
(now, only 'alpha-numeric' single-space-seperated words left)
then turn all the spaces into \n
then your sort&uniq
Thanks for the polite "Thank you very much."! And posting 'trys' in #1! (important @LQ)
One more friendly&supportive reminder: post your solution when you mark Thread [SOLVED]
Location: Northeastern Michigan, where Carhartt is a Designer Label
Distribution: Slackware 32- & 64-bit Stable
Posts: 3,541
This gets real easy with awk.
Here's a sample program (from Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, Peter J. Weinberger, The AWK Programming Language:
cat wordfreq
# wordfreq - print number of occurrences of each word
# input: text
# output: number-word pairs sorted by number
{ gsub(/[.,:;!?(){}]/, "") # remove punctuation
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
END { for (w in count)
print count[w], w | "sort -rn"
You execute it:
awk -f wordfreq filename.txt > list.txt
Which, as indicated, print a unique list of words with the number of uses of those words in the input text (that's kind of handy to know in some instances).
Now, what you really want is a unique list of words in your text document.
So, you can peel the number off with sed or simply change the print directive in the program to not print the number (and modify the sort directive while you're at it -- you're not sorting by numeric).
I suspect you're doing this for creating an index of the document? Once you have the list of subjects (which you will need to edit out by hand (or use sed to remove the words you don't want) then use the indexing capability of LibreOffice or OpenOffice (you'll need to read up on how to do that but the main thing you need is the unique list of words).
So, give it a go and see what you get; the language is not relevant, the words are simply unique patterns of text.
Hope this helps some.
Last edited by tronayne; 11-26-2016 at 10:01 AM.
Reason: Forgot something.
perl -lne 'map {$s{lc $_}++ if $_} split /\W+/; END{print for sort keys %s}' input.txt > output.txt
- split /\W+/ : split lines by non word characters
- $s{lc $_}++ : convert to lower case, store word as key in %s hash, increment its value (word count)
- END{print for sort keys %s} : print each key in %s (sorted alphabetically) is looking for people interested in writing
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