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Old 06-30-2012, 04:44 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2012
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Create ISO of Slackware -current from Windows XP

Hi all,
I am having problems with installing the standard Slackware 13.37, and was told to try Slackware -current. However, the only method I have seen for creating a DVD ISO of this release, as one is not published, will only run under Linux. (Not strictly true - I found one for Windows, but it was above my level of expertise) Since I have no Linux install, I have no way to run Alien's script.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Old 06-30-2012, 05:37 PM   #2
Didier Spaier
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You could do is make a local mirror of slackware-current (there should exist win32 utilities for that) then follow these instructions to make a DVD. They are for Linux but the needed tools (mkisofs and growisofs) are available here.

Or, you could put an installer on an USB key, provided you previously made a mirror of slackware-current as in the first method. There should be a win32 version of the "dd" linux mentioned in the README, Google will find it for you. You will have to tell the installer when using it where is the local mirror.

Out of curiosity though, as I can hardly imagine a case where you could install slackware-current but not slacwkare 13.37, please elaborate a bit which problem exactly prevent you to install slackware 13.37?

EDIT From the other thread you started I see that in fact you have already Slackware 13.37 installed. Why don't you upgrade to -current from there?

Last edited by Didier Spaier; 07-01-2012 at 06:59 AM.
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Old 06-30-2012, 06:11 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2008
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Try this
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Old 06-30-2012, 06:12 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Main reason is networking issues, and a lack of confidence in command line skills. It's quite iffy if I can manage to get the box to connect to the internet from the command line, and I don't have the skills to find out what went wrong if it doesn't.
Old 06-30-2012, 06:16 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for the link. Am going to try that to make sure that -current actually works, and then teach myself how to get it working via Spaier's method, just to learn how to.

Thank you both for your help.


-current, iso, slackware, windows

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