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Old 06-18-2004, 11:18 PM   #1
Paul Fox
Registered: May 2004
Location: Edmond WV
Distribution: SuSE 9.2 Professional, Fedora Core 1, Knoppix 3.4
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Correct Procedure and Location for Installs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's your friendly neighborhood Newbie-Man with yet another in his never-ending series of questions.

In this episode, Newbie-Man is looking for information on Installing Programs in his newly working SuSE 9.1 system. This is the file he's working with:


Now...I figured out that this was a compress/zipped/stuffed file and was able to extract it but I'm not sure of the destination I should extract it to...I made an "Intalls" folder in my /home/pap directory but is that where I extract as well or do I need to move it somewhere else when I'm actually trying to "Install" the app?

Thanks guys and gals for the patience and understanding so far

Old 06-18-2004, 11:34 PM   #2
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IT doesnt matter where you unpack it, when you run the installer by typing


It will install itself where it needs to be. ( usually that is. )
Old 06-18-2004, 11:41 PM   #3
Paul Fox
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...And this should be run in a Terminal Window?
Old 06-18-2004, 11:44 PM   #4
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Yep, usually as root. ( su and type your root password then do ./firefox-installer ).
Old 06-19-2004, 12:18 AM   #5
Paul Fox
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This is where the unpacked files are actually located:


...And this is what I got when I tried ./firefox-installer

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

(firefox-installer-bin:8707): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
linux:/home/pap/firefox-installer #

...what did I do wrong?

Old 06-19-2004, 12:41 AM   #6
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Sorry forgot to mention, x security, so too disbale it while you install firefox

xhost +

While your not root ( exit returns you to a normal user. ) Then su to root and install firefox Then

xhost -

Returns you to normal.
Old 06-19-2004, 12:44 AM   #7
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is there a reason you downloaded the 'installer' version? my advice, for what it's worth is to download the 'firefox-0.9-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz' file from:

and untar it in your home directory, as user. it works great for me. i've noticed people having a few problems because they untarred it as root. i do it as user, and it works great.
Old 06-19-2004, 12:54 AM   #8
Paul Fox
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is there a reason you downloaded the 'installer' version? my advice, for what it's worth is to download the 'firefox-0.9-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz' file from:
No...not really. I downloaded the files at work since I'm on a dial-up here. I guess I could do it the other way if I can't figure out how to do this properly.

I'm going to give leonscape's suggestion a try and see what I get.

Old 06-19-2004, 12:59 AM   #9
Paul Fox
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Alright...that worked to a degree. It will run the installer but it's still asking for a destination directory and I'm not sure where that should be...

I've read a few things on a few sites and /usr/bin "seems" to be the place but it wants to create a sub directory in there and from what I've read, that's a no-no.

I think I'm on the right track but I'm just not sure which way to turn at the crossroads.

Old 06-19-2004, 01:45 AM   #10
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these are the instructions from:

Extract the tarball and run the installer like so:

tar -xzvf firefox-0.9-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz

cd firefox-0.9-i686-linux-gtk2+xft/


sooo... none of it needs to be done as root. i would delete all the directories it's created so far and start clean, as user, following those directions, and let it install where it wants to.
Old 06-19-2004, 11:07 AM   #11
Paul Fox
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Thanks for the tips. When I downloaded Firefox the other day...I didn't scroll down fare enough to see bad.

I'll give that a shot and report back.

Old 06-20-2004, 12:18 AM   #12
Paul Fox
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Ok...I followed the directions to the letter and some of it worked...some of it didn't.

First off, it STILL created a directory named "Firefox" in /home/pap ... I did it three times, typing EXACTLY what the instructions told me to...same result.

Then I did this:

cd firefox-0.9-i686-linux-gtk2+xft/
and got an error which if I understand it...was right since this directory was never created (again, as I understand the process). I believe it simply created the Firefox directory I mentioned above and that was it.

It's working now...I'm using 0.9 right now but I'm still confused as to why these things occurred.

Old 06-20-2004, 01:23 AM   #13
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firefox doesn't install, exactly. once you untar the package, it creates the directory 'firefox' in your /home directory, and it actually runs from there. that is why the way to 'uninstall' it is to simply delete the 'firefox' directory. it seems to me mozilla, in an effort to make things easier, seemed to actually make them a little more confusing by adding the 'installer' part, which i had never seen until your post, which caused MY confusion... i've been using firefox since it was called firebird, and all you had to do was untar it and run it from the directory it creates in your home directory, which, i see, is exactly what it still does...sorry if i caused you any confusion...and enjoy firefox!!! i know i do...


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