Originally Posted by acianci
thanks all - i just tried both and no luck. what I'm doing is: scp user@fromhost:filename user@tohost:filename and replacing the scp with cygwin winscp - is this command correct?
Winscp is a Windows GUI, there is no command to type in, you just fill in the boxes for user and host and then browse the server like an FTP client.
Cygwin is a Linux-style CLI that runs in Windows. From the Cygwin terminal you can run scp like normal.
Your command is also a bit off as well, either your fromhost or your tohost has to be local, you can't use SCP on machine 1 to transfer a file between machine 2 and machine 3. The command would be "scp filename user@host:filename" if you want to transfer from the local machine to a remote machine, or "scp user@host:filename filename" if you want to transfer from a remote machine to the local machine.