phew... You have some question here my lad
.. You might want to ask the slax people here, dunno where it keeps it's archives
. You can configure kde to run automatically when X starts with this file in your /home:
atom@saturn /home/atom $ cat .xinitrc
exec startkde
atom@saturn /home/atom $
this illustrates it best, although i might say it the other way too:
you must have a file named .xinitrc in your /home directory
in this file there must only be this:
exec startkde
you can then start xserver with startx (just type "startx")
the thing is, it only works if you have KDE installed and only not getting it to run. This is the beginning of the jurney. How to install it if you don't have it? You might want to go elsewere for that, I'm not a slax person.