This did not work It says no driver vboxvidio. What to try next.
Here is what my xorg looks like now.
You will need to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions in order to get the "vboxvideo" device driver. That should also configure your "xorg.conf" file automatically. If you did install the Guest Additions then the "vboxvideo" driver did not install. I've used the Guest Additions with Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop and the automatic display resizing works.
But on to the next task. dhcp3. Even though I have set windows dhcp servers up I never had much luck with the linux version.
The adaptor I bind it to I Simply because thats easy. Then it will assign 192.168.02. Then for nat I assign What I would like To do though Is make everything seem like subnets. But the problem is I have never really understood it from the beginning. but here is what I am looking at. The origanal gateway is It assigns me 192.168.104. That I do not have any control over. But is there some way to make the dhcp assign addresses that are just subnetts of the Then make my nat function ether assign addresses in that subnet or in turn subnet it again.
If you're going to use a DHCP server in Linux running in a virtual machine then I don't think you can't use NAT between the virtual machine and the host LAN. To support a DHCP server on Linux I think that you will need to use the USB pass-through and use a USB Ethernet adapter. That's a lmitation of Windows 2000. Since Windows 2000 does not support network bridging there is no way to get a virtual Ethernet port directly on the host LAN. The virtual machine has to talk directly to an Ethernet device on the host LAN and that is only supported by USB pass-through.
Your broadband router may have an option to assign "static" DHCP leases. In that case you can add the Ethernet MAC address of your Windows 2000 system and the IP address to be assigned. You can also set the range of addresses that the router uses for DHCP. How you do that on each router model is different.
Linux DHCP servers support "reserved" addresses that perform the same funcion and assign a specific IP address only to a specific client with a designated MAC address. You can use "man dhcpd.conf" or look at the documentation for your Linux DHCP server to find out the correct format for reserved addresses.
You may find it easier to use the 192.168 address range like this.
Use "sss" for the sub-net number and "hhh" for the host number in the sub-net.
The network masks on computers do not have to be the same. The network mask is only used to make routing decisions. The routing table also uses the most exact match that it can find because it's sorted in that order.
network mask gateway if eth1
network mask gateway if eth0
If you put the above two routes into the routing table, all messages to 192.168.nnn.nnn except for network 192.168.3.nnn will go to the gateway on eth0. The messages for 192.168.3.nnn will go to the gateway on eth1.
Some other computer may use totally different masks for the network addresses depending on what routing decisions it needs to make. The masks for network interfaces are automatically used to create some routing table entries, so setting the masks for the network interfaces correctly takes care of most situations.
DHCP and routing are separate and a DHCP server can (but should not) assign IP addresses that are incompatible with the routing configuration.
For small networks I usually prefer to assign addresses manually, since computers can still communicate with the correct address if the DHCP server fails. I use DHCP for computers that aren't a permanent part of my network. With the "reserved" DHCP addresses you can do the same thing on the DHCP server or router. The terminology varies, so it may be called "static DHCP".
DHCP on a client broadcasts messages from UDP port to UDP port Those broadcasts are usually not forwarded between sub-networks and don't cross through NAT. The DHCP server replies using a UDP message from its address rrr.rrr.rrr.rrr:67 to broadcast address so that the client can receive the offer of an address. The "rrr" numbers are the address of the router running the DHCP server.
DHCP has provisions to work across sub-networks but you have to configure the routing between sub-networks to pass through the required messages. When DHCP responds to a client on a different sub-network it uses a network directed broadcast. EX: If the intervening routers do not permit directed broadcasts then DHCP won't work. You may be able to configure some of the VirtualBox NAT using "vboxmanage" but I will be surprised if you can get DHCP to work through VirtualBox NAT. You might want to search the VirtualBox forums for "DHCP" and "NAT" to see if anyone else has tried that and posted information.