Connecting to Linux machine from outside source...
Greetings everyone, please excuse my "newbie'ness" on this question as i am at a slight roadblock on this matter.
I have recently set up a development server for our coldfusion use, we would like to be able to gain access to this server from outside of the office via: FTP, HTTP (Viewing) and SSH. This isnt for use as a Production Web Server for selling hosting account, simply for showing the work to clients before release and the ability to update etc from outside of office.
The server is running Red Hat Enterprise ES 3. Relivent services/software running at present are, Apache, MySQL, Coldfusion, Plesk. All of the FTP, HTTP SSH are working fine over the local network. So just wondering whats need to provide access from outside IP's (if pos specific IP access)
edit: We are on a fixed ip address
Thanx in advance.
Last edited by Geepak; 02-03-2005 at 04:58 AM.