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Old 12-02-2003, 07:52 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 253

Rep: Reputation: 30
configuring smtp on ximian

Hello All:

I'm having a hell of a time w/ the config of smtp on ximian.
My problem is w/ the kind of authentication on the smtp server: I keep chosing one kind of authentication and I keep getting:

Error while performing operation:
SMTP server mai does not support requested authentication type PLAIN.

This is even after I chose another type of authentication.

Why is this happening and how can I make it work?


Old 12-02-2003, 08:42 AM   #2
bruno buys
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Are you sure this PLAIN is correct? Several smtp's are using "pop before smtp". It means that you have to authenticate with pop, before you send message. Try this.
Old 12-02-2003, 09:22 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
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Yes, this is the error message I get.

And I've been trying to config precisely w/ pop before smtp, click apply and then ok, but then I keep getting the same error message when trying to send/receive. I've tried rebooting as wel, and I still get the error message.

But now I have a different and altogether bigger problem w/ ximian. I lost it. I can't find it anywhere and when I type 'ximian' at the command line (I'm using rh 7.3 w/ kde on the desktop) I get 'command not found'.

So needless to say I'm like "huh?"

Please help. If ximian is not stable then I certainly don't want it as an email client. Can you help me w/ this? Where is it, and why did it 'disappear' , and--if relevant--how can I prevent this from happening again?


Old 12-02-2003, 09:45 AM   #4
bruno buys
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Well, how odd! Try to find the ximian executable by issuing "whereis evolution" at the command line. If your system used to open ximian with "ximian" instead of "evolution", then try "ximian".
If whereis finds some executable, edit your path to include it, or add the whole path to the executable, when typing (such as: /usr/bin/evolution). That should work.
After fixing the problem, try to figure out what made ximian vanish. Did you create a link to it in the desktop?
I use ximian on my suse/kde 3.11 without problem. It's filters made me save all my old stuff from Eudora (win migration). I like ximian.
Old 12-02-2003, 09:51 AM   #5
Registered: Aug 2003
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Well, this one is for the grandkids.

I was typing 'ximian' rather than 'evolution'.

But can you tell me about my problem w/ smtp config. I still get the error message even though I've got it (or so I thought) configged correctly.


Old 12-02-2003, 12:14 PM   #6
bruno buys
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Due to spam abuse, smtp admins decided to authenticate the smtp connection before the user can send any email. This is useful in case you are roaming, or traveling, as you can use your own smtp server with any email software, just type the correct login/passwd.
"Pop before smtp" means that your machine will send your login and password info to the smtp server, before the smtp can accept anything. These logins and passwords use to be the same as the pop info, for simplicity. If, by any reason, your configs differ from the usual, you should reconfig the whole stuff.
Why don't you:
- check if you are using the correct smtp name server. This is normally, or some variant. If it varies, people can get very troubled. Some sites/services do not supply easily this info. I don't know why.
- Check if you are using the correct login/passwd info.
- Check if you can receive email through the corresponding pop server.

If any of these helps, I suggest you get in touch with your email server support. In either cases, your problems are not ximian-related. Indeed, ximian is very reliable.

Obs - In Evolution, go to Tools>Settiings. Click your account, choose Edit. There's a tab "Sending mail". Click the button "Check for supported types". When I did it, my evolution disabled "pop before smtp". Only two are enabled: plain and login.
Is your server an smtp indeed? Can't it be a sendmail?

Last edited by bruno buys; 12-02-2003 at 12:21 PM.
Old 12-02-2003, 12:39 PM   #7
Registered: Aug 2003
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Well, I can get mail ok, but I get the error message before authenticating for the pop3 server.
And the crux of this problem is that my isp "doesn't support linux".

Isn't that "special"!?

Old 12-02-2003, 12:44 PM   #8
bruno buys
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There's no need for linux support. Just check with them if you are using the correct names for servers and what auth type the smtp is.
I didn't get it: you get email ok, but the pop3 gives an error?


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