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Old 01-11-2017, 06:36 PM   #16
Registered: Nov 2016
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Well I want to do exactly as I stated above. I ran it as it is and I like it! It reminds me of some stored procs I created in stinky windows! For right now I think this is one of those tasks that I prefer to do manually

Last edited by trickydba; 01-11-2017 at 06:38 PM.
Old 01-12-2017, 08:46 AM   #17
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This is what I came up with so far. I have not ran it yet but I hoped that someone would see this ode and correct any errors:
OPTION=$(whiptail --title "Multi-Folder Compressor - By Me" --menu "Choose the month range to compress" 15 60 4 \
"0" "CANCEL" \
"1" "January to June" \
"2" "July to December" \
"3" "Specify custom month range FUTURE OPTION" \
"4" "FUTURE"  3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)


YEAR=$(whiptail --inputbox "Please input the year" 10 30 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)

#Actions to take based on selection
    if [[ ${OPTION[1]} ]]; then
        #Option 1 selected
        echo "Option 1 selected"; find . -name '0101*-0631*' | xargs tar -czvf JanJun${YEAR}.tar.gz
    if [[ ${OPTION[2]} ]]; then
        #Option 2 selected
        echo "Option 2 selected"; find . -name '0701*-1231*' | xargs tar -czvf JulyDec${YEAR}.tar.gz
    if [[ ${OPTION[3]} ]]; then
        #Option 3 selected
        echo "This option is under construction"
    if [[ ${OPTION[4]} ]]; then
        #Option 4 selected
        echo "This option is for FUTURE use"
    if [[ ${OPTION[0]} ]]; then
        #Option 5 selected
        echo "You chose to cancel"

I would like to include a progress bar if selecting option 1 or 2.

Last edited by trickydba; 01-12-2017 at 01:16 PM.
Old 01-12-2017, 10:06 AM   #18
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At first glance OPTION is not an array and you might want to specify the full path to your search directory and tar.gz file.

I have not played with whiptail much so can not help with its gauge box.
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:19 AM   #19
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@michaelk............How do I do this? I created this from other sources and I only have limited knowledge of java which led me to what I have now. I have another script much simpler that I figured I should start out with(the 1st code I provided is much prettier 8.) )
I created several blank folders, ranging 01012017 through 12312017. There will be other folders to cover all days in a year but I only created this for a starting point. This is the SECOND OPTION of code I'm working with that is much simpler. The folders are in the same directory:
#! /bin/bash
echo "***************** Multi-folder Compressor ****************
****************** By Me **********************

Please choose an option:

 1)Compress Jan to Jun
 2)Compress Jul to Dec
 4)Disabled "

read n

echo "Please provide the year "
read YEAR

case $n in
    1) echo "Compressing folders Jan to Jun "; find . -name '0101*-0631*' | xargs tar -cf JanJun${YEAR}.tar.gz;;
    2) echo "Compressing folders Jul to Dec "; find . -name '0701*-1231*' | xargs tar -cf JulDec${YEAR}.tar.gz;;
    3) echo "For future use....closing ";;
    4) echo "This option is disabled ";;
    *) invalid option;;
I get this error:

Compressing folders Jan to Jun
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

I'm lost. Any help is highly appreciated BUT I love that 1st code, with the pretty menu n colors n all! 8.))

Last edited by trickydba; 01-12-2017 at 01:18 PM.
Old 01-12-2017, 10:30 AM   #20
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I can recommend [CODE][QUOTE][/QUOTE][/CODE] [B]tags![/B]
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:31 AM   #21
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@jamison200003.........what is that? Where do I plug it in?
Old 01-12-2017, 10:35 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by trickydba View Post
@jamison200003.........what is that? Where do I plug it in?
I forget the quick keys but if you hit "go advanced" here you get more LQ editor options to clarify your text with...
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:39 AM   #23
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Here we go:
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:42 AM   #24
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Excellent point jamison20000e.

@trickydba, what they are recommending is that you either use the advanced editor and properly frame code using [code][/code] tags, there are tools available in the advanced edit mode.

Further, you can also manually type these tags in, and the ones for use in LQ are located here, and discussed in the FAQ here.

Edit: Just noticed their added reply also arrived about the same time. Yes, same link.
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:44 AM   #25
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All I implied is that whiptail does not return an array so instead of ${OPTION[x]} you would use $OPTION.

The case syntax is not correct in your second script. You need to use ;; to separate each items code.

There are many ways to create menus with or without a window.
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Old 01-12-2017, 01:15 PM   #26
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I apologize all....
@michaelk............How do I do this? I created this from other sources and I only have limited knowledge of java which led me to what I have now. I have another script much simpler that I figured I should start out with(the 1st code I provided is much prettier 8.) )
I created several blank folders, ranging 01012017 through 12312017. There will be other folders to cover all days in a year but I only created this for a starting point. This is the SECOND OPTION of code I'm working with that is much simpler. The folders are in the same directory:

#! /bin/bash
echo "***************** Multi-folder Compressor ****************
****************** By Me **********************

Please choose an option:

1)Compress Jan to Jun
2)Compress Jul to Dec
4)Disabled "

read n

echo "Please provide the year "
read YEAR

case $n in
1) echo "Compressing folders Jan to Jun "; find . -name '0101*-0631*' | xargs tar -cf JanJun${YEAR}.tar.gz;;
2) echo "Compressing folders Jul to Dec "; find . -name '0701*-1231*' | xargs tar -cf JulDec${YEAR}.tar.gz;;
3) echo "For future use....closing ";;
4) echo "This option is disabled ";;
*) invalid option;;
I get this error:

Compressing folders Jan to Jun
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive

I'm lost. Any help is highly appreciated BUT I love that 1st code, with the pretty menu n colors n all! 8.))
Old 01-12-2017, 01:35 PM   #27
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Not sure if this is the exact problem; however June has only 30 days.

Hence 0631 is an invalid search term.

You probably won't get it, but "use your knuckles".

January, left, upper index knuckle = 31 days.
February, dip between index and second finger = 28/29 days.
March, next upper digit knuckle = 31 days.
July is the upper digit of your pinky, 31 days
Go back to the index finger, August is 31 days.
Finish the year.

Or just remember that all months alternate between 31 and 30 or the special case of February. And then remember that July/August are both 31.
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Old 01-12-2017, 01:56 PM   #28
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This is my final code:


OPTION=$(whiptail --title "Multi-Folder Compressor - By Me " --menu "Choose the month range to compress" 15 60 4 \
"0" "CANCEL" \
"1" "January to June" \
"2" "July to December" \
"3" "Specify custom month range FUTURE OPTION" \
"4" "FUTURE"  3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)


YEAR=$(whiptail --inputbox "Please input the year" 10 30 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)

#Actions to take based on selection
case $OPTION in
    1) echo "Compressing folders Jan to Jun "; find . -name '0101*-0630*' | xargs tar -cf JanJun${YEAR}.tar.gz;;
    2) echo "Compressing folders Jul to Dec "; find . -name '0701*-1231*' | xargs tar -cf JulDec${YEAR}.tar.gz;;
    3) echo "For future use....closing ";;
    4) echo "This option is disabled ";;
    *) invalid option;;
and I get this error:
Compressing folders Jan to Jun
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
I chose #1

Last edited by trickydba; 01-12-2017 at 01:57 PM.
Old 01-12-2017, 02:02 PM   #29
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Break that down. Enter the find command manually and verify that it finds the files. Combine that with your tar command. Use "set -xv" in the command line to see what the error is, also consider using that in the script. Perhaps the find command is not working or finding the correct files and thus it outputs nothing. After all, look what the error is saying.
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Old 01-12-2017, 03:18 PM   #30
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@rtmistler......I couldn't find the issue after doing what you suggested. If you have folders created like '01012017' that go all the way to '12312017' and you wanted to tar them to one file named as such 'JanJun.tar' and 'JulDec.tar' how can this be done?
I researched doing this with files but couldn't find anything for compressing folders.


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