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Old 03-26-2002, 06:39 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2002
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Angry Cmedia Sound

I have a question. I have installed Mandrake 8.1...(Fabulous, I am hooked) and it recognised my sound, which ic a cmedia 8738. However I cant get sound out. I have checked mixers etc to see if the volume is off, but all seems ok. Any Ideas out there.
Old 04-10-2002, 01:24 PM   #2
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What's displayed when you type lsmod from a terminal/konsole (the thing that looks a little like the ol' Dos box in Windows)?

Oh, and Welcome to LQ (even though this isn't you're 1st post, the other was in a fairly busy thread ).
Old 04-10-2002, 01:58 PM   #3
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It may also be a permissions thing on /dev/dsp, /dev/audio, and or /dev/mixer. You can see the permissions on each device file by doing:

ls -al /dev/dsp
ls -al /dev/mixer
ls -al /dev/audio

If users or groups can't write to these files, the permissions can be changed with the chmod command:

chmod 666 /dev/<devicename>

Kind of a devilish command, but it works !!
Old 04-11-2002, 05:20 AM   #4
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Originally posted by Thymox
What's displayed when you type lsmod from a terminal/konsole (the thing that looks a little like the ol' Dos box in Windows)?

Oh, and Welcome to LQ (even though this isn't you're 1st post, the other was in a fairly busy thread ).
Thanks for the reply. When I lsmod I get this

cmpci 24554 0 (autoclean)
soundcore 4208 2 (autoclean)(cmpci)
It does seem to load the module at startup.
Old 04-11-2002, 05:21 AM   #5
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Originally posted by jglen490
It may also be a permissions thing on /dev/dsp, /dev/audio, and or /dev/mixer. You can see the permissions on each device file by doing:

ls -al /dev/dsp
ls -al /dev/mixer
ls -al /dev/audio

If users or groups can't write to these files, the permissions can be changed with the chmod command:

chmod 666 /dev/<devicename>

Kind of a devilish command, but it works !!
Tried that thanks. didnt make any diff. When I use Xmms I can see the sound playing (lol). Tried all the mixers I could find that may have the volume down. But to no avail.
Old 04-11-2002, 09:01 AM   #6
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I dont want to be rude, but make sure your speaker is connected to the correct port on Linux. I found out that there is two ports that work for windows and when i switch to linux only one of those ports work, so try them.
Old 04-11-2002, 01:16 PM   #7
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You might also run sndconfig, as root. sndconfig pretty well "walks" through identifying and setting up sound cards for Linux.

We'll keep trying 'til we get you sounding good !!
Old 04-11-2002, 03:53 PM   #8
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Originally posted by jglen490
You might also run sndconfig, as root. sndconfig pretty well "walks" through identifying and setting up sound cards for Linux.

We'll keep trying 'til we get you sounding good !!
Thanks I appreciate the help. Yea, I tried sndconfig, and again it does recognise the card but when it plays the sample, nothing. I am sure whatever it is it'll be simple. I was thinking what I might do this weekedn is load a version of redhat on another drive ans see if that plays.

Thanks to all for their ideas.
Old 04-12-2002, 05:55 AM   #9
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Originally posted by therion12
I dont want to be rude, but make sure your speaker is connected to the correct port on Linux. I found out that there is two ports that work for windows and when i switch to linux only one of those ports work, so try them.
Firstly thanks, I didnt take it as you being rude. And that was the problem. Ha. Didnt think to check the port. I made sure I was in a port...Now I have sound. thanks Therion. Next time you are in NZ I owe you a beer. Cheers.
Old 04-12-2002, 08:11 AM   #10
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Old 12-01-2004, 10:36 AM   #11
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I was had ur Problem

Look u will Hear more and u will read more but ur problem will not solve. I spend one week till my hair failing from my head but fianly i found the GNOME Alsa Mixer
download it and install then open Sound & Video then Asla Mixer
then check out the box in Caputre Monitior
I hope it will help U and reply me when ur Problem Slove


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