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Old 03-15-2005, 12:32 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: France
Distribution: Debian etch
Posts: 99

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Clamav compilation

Hi all,
I've juste downloaded the brand new stable version of clamav ( 0.83 ).
When doing ./configure , it is giving me the following error.
configure: error: Please install zlib and zlib-devel packages

Then i try do to
[root@localhost clamav-0.83]# urpmi zlib-devel
Un des paquetages suivants est nécessaire : ( following package is missing )
 1- gstreamer-esound-0.6.4-4mdk.i586 : Gstreamer plugin for ESD sound output (to install)
 2- gstreamer-jack-0.6.4-4mdk.i586 : GStreamer plug-in for the Jack Sound Server. (to install)
 3- gstreamer-oss-0.6.4-4mdk.i586 : Gstreamer plug-ins for input and output using OSS. (to install)

As this point, whenever i choose 1,2 or 3, it takes ages for me to take control of the console.
Using Rpmdrake doest exactly the same but with a GUI.
And zlib-devel is not installed.

Can somebody explain me how to resolve this ?

PS : Don't know if this is relevant, but when i try to install kdevelop for example, it tolds me to install libxorg-X11-devel-6.7.0-4.2.101.mdk. And i have exactly the same problem as explain before.

Un des paquetages suivants est nécessaire : ( following package is missing )
 1- gstreamer-esound-0.6.4-4mdk.i586 : Gstreamer plugin for ESD sound output (to install)
 2- gstreamer-jack-0.6.4-4mdk.i586 : GStreamer plug-in for the Jack Sound Server. (to install)
 3- gstreamer-oss-0.6.4-4mdk.i586 : Gstreamer plug-ins for input and output using OSS. (to install)

Last edited by Tanc; 03-15-2005 at 12:45 PM.
Old 03-15-2005, 05:14 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: North-East UK
Distribution: Mandrake 9.1
Posts: 15

Rep: Reputation: 1
It wasn't very clear from your post whether you have had previous experience of dealing with package dependencies, so at the risk of teaching my granny to suck eggs, I'll just outline the general nature of your problem:

One of the delights of linux is that many packages have dependencies. The package can't be installed until the dependencies are satisfied. You will first have to install the listed gstreamer packages, and then go back to installing zlib and zlibdevel, after their dependencies are satisfied. But be prepared: sometimes dependencies have dependencies, have dependencies, seemingly ad infinitum. You just have to be patient and methodical, and trace all the dependencies - then install them all as you work your way back to the package that you tried to install in the first place.

If all the required packages are on your installation CD/DVD, then the package manager should be able to identify and install them all automatically. So I would guess from your problems that you are installing something not included on your installation media, and that the package archive you are using does not seem to be able to satisfy all the dependencies. If so, you can google for the necessary packages. Sites like rpmfind can be very useful.

Good Luck

This is where Gentoo Linux shines - it handles all the dependencies automatically, provided you are installing a package that is part of its portage tree.

Hope that helps.

Old 03-15-2005, 07:02 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: France
Distribution: Debian etch
Posts: 99

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
You are right and it works, And Clamav finally is installed !
I patiently observed the dependencies and used rpm files already compiled for my distro in some cases.
I used the following site in order to find package.
I'am still a but a free one now


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