OK here is my deal I'm in a Unix class right now and part of the class we have to ssh into the schools server from home. My homework assignment has this question in it:
6. Make sure you set your tty so the back space works.
So to answer your question, I'm not sure. I've tried finding the answer to this in "The Complete Reference UNIX" book and have not had much luck so far, and I've done a few Google searches with no luck. I know most of the class is using Putty to terminal into the server and Putty has a selection box to choose the setting for how back spaces are handled. Since I use Linux I just open a terminal and run the ssh command and everything just works so I'm not sure if my ssh is set up right.
So if anyone knows what it is I'm talking about I'd love for a quick description and a possible answer I'd love to hear from you if not I'm going to continue my Google searching and if I run across an answer I'll post it back here for everyone else's reference.