Changing the Eye Candy
Basically i am trying to get some custom splash screens and log on screens for my computer.
I got a splash screen for when KDE loads, and put it in the specified directory. I also got an image for my logon screen. I changed some of the logon options as well, like setting my name to be already typed in on the User name section and what it says there.
However, when i go and reboot to see if anything has changed, i just get the same old fedora screens as before.
I also would like my gnome and kde launcer menus and everything to be default, ie the way tey would normally be, not set up by fedora. I want them to be clean so i can add what i need to what is basically there on a fresh install.
Is there any way to do this? I'm guessing that fedora keeps its settings for that stuff somewhere other than where i have found by searching.
Any idea where and how to change it?