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Old 12-30-2016, 10:26 AM   #1
Registered: Dec 2016
Posts: 242

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Changes to persistent Live USB don't persist

Obviously something I am doing wrong.
Am using this solution

to create a persistent live usb for Ubuntu-mate

I created using the largest possible storage partition, 4GB.

After spending several hours configuring packages in the terminal, when I reboot I see they are no longer there.

Whenever you first boot a live usb with ubuntu-mate you are confronted with 2 options, try ubuntu-mate OR install
I always select the 'try' option

Anyone able to tell me what I am doing wrong?
Is there something else you need to do to ensure any changes you make 'persist'?
Old 12-30-2016, 10:43 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by eco_bach View Post
Obviously something I am doing wrong.
Am using this solution

to create a persistent live usb for Ubuntu-mate

I created using the largest possible storage partition, 4GB.

After spending several hours configuring packages in the terminal, when I reboot I see they are no longer there.

Whenever you first boot a live usb with ubuntu-mate you are confronted with 2 options, try ubuntu-mate OR install
I always select the 'try' option

Anyone able to tell me what I am doing wrong?
Is there something else you need to do to ensure any changes you make 'persist'?
Are you in Windows doing this, or Linux?

why Ubuntututututu?

old school command line, I know you love it.... come one .... admit it ... go old school ..

are you running Pi?

you need to update your sidebar so some of us can at least get a hint of what you're working with.

Last edited by BW-userx; 12-30-2016 at 10:46 AM.
Old 12-30-2016, 01:44 PM   #3
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Folks, let's not start by implicitly attacking a distribution type, make assumptions about the platform which they are using if they haven't said or haven't been asked, and also not try to sway the manner in which a person is using Linux, command line versus desktop UI.

eco_bach, I do not know your exact problem and have never done any persistent USB installs. This actually highlights that I should consider doing this myself so as to see the potential drawbacks people are encountering. I took a look at the site you mention that helps you to create your persistent USB and there are a few things you can check:

List of supported Linux distributions for persistence - Please verify that the version of Ubuntu which you are trying out is in that list. From the tags you've used in this thread, it shows Ubuntu 14.04 Mate; however I'm not sure the window manager would have that much effect on the capability to persistently store data. Other Ubuntu 14.04 versions show as supported. I would verify persistence is working in the manner in which they describe below.

Their FAQ on persistence and note answer #5 which gives you a manner to test whether or not the persistence is working properly before you spend a large amount of time installing packages.

Another thing to check is the list of mounted devices to determine where your persistent storage exists so you know whether or not the root file system, "/" is located on your persistent storage partition. Otherwise you can install as many packages as you want only to find that things will not be saved over a reboot. For that I recommend you post the output of the mount command. From a terminal, type "mount" and capture the output.

It will be helpful to know the platform you are using for this.
Old 12-30-2016, 04:46 PM   #4
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Creating a persistent flash drive with Ubuntu should be fairly simple. The maximum 4GB is only if you are using FAT32. Did you create a separate partition for persistence or just a casper-rw file. You should be able to boot whichever OS you have and insert the flash drive and check to see if you have casper-rw. If you want a separate casper-rw 'partition', it needs to be a Linux filesystem and the size limit is no longer relevant.

When you create what you hope is a persistent flash drive, I would suggest you create some files/folder on it first and install some small program and reboot to see if the file/folder and program are still there before trying to install all kinds of software.

According to the Lili site you linked to, the last supported Ubuntu is 15.04. Which release are you using? It might work with a later version but who knows?
Old 12-30-2016, 04:48 PM   #5
Registered: Dec 2016
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quick reply.
Tried universal usb installer instead

Works like a charm!


persistent, ubuntu 14.04 mate, usb

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