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Old 03-03-2012, 03:31 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2008
Location: Indiana
Distribution: Fedora, Ubuntu, Slackware
Posts: 203

Rep: Reputation: 34
Changed from wireless to wired connection, now only some things work.

As the title says, I moved my router from one room to another so that my box could be directly plugged in because my wireless on it stinks.

Well, I noticed after a few days that the weather applet on my desktop was not updating. After messing with it for a minute, I figured that it was acting like there was no internet connection. That makes no sense because I can browse with firefox and I can install and update from the repos.

After more messing around I come to find out that any plasmoid that has to connect to the internet doesn't seem to be able to find it. Also the 'Get New Wallpapers' and all of those things that connect to (I think) can't seem to find the internet either.

So I navigated through the menus to the desktop configuration and there is a network settings part. It shows no available network interfaces, which doesn't make any sense to me, because obviously, everything else works.

I hope this is not something stupid, because I've been messing around here for quite a while trying to figure it out.
Old 03-03-2012, 03:53 PM   #2
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I don't know much about KDE, haven't used it in donkeys, so my question
may be completely off ... but: when you moved the router, did you restart
the computer? Or at least log out of KDE and back in? It may well be
that KDE "caches" interface names or IPs.

Old 03-03-2012, 07:03 PM   #3
Registered: Jul 2008
Location: Indiana
Distribution: Fedora, Ubuntu, Slackware
Posts: 203

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Rep: Reputation: 34
Originally Posted by Tinkster View Post
I don't know much about KDE, haven't used it in donkeys, so my question
may be completely off ... but: when you moved the router, did you restart
the computer? Or at least log out of KDE and back in? It may well be
that KDE "caches" interface names or IPs.
Yeah its been off and on a few times. I guess I'll just have to keep messing with it. It doesn't really hurt anything except for my weather forecast on the desktop.


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