You can either put quotes around it or use the backslash delimiter:
$ cd /media/tom/USB\ Stick
This is likely the name of the file system which was created on that stick or a default chosen.
Another thing to examine is the TAB completion:
$ cd /media/tom/USB[TAB]
# should complete it if it is unique, to show
$ cd /media/tom/USB\ Stick
While you can change the name, Linux in general allows file and directory names with SPACES and other special characters, plus I've encountered a few symbolic language names or characters within file or directory names containing symbolic characters which I cannot type. Using the TAB completion, wildcards, double quotes, and backslash delimiters are very much part of the command line and my point here is that you seem to be using the command line, so I recommend that you consider becoming comfortable with that.
If it were that you tend to use a UI based file manager, then that would not cause you problems similar to these and any need to consider renaming would not be