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pusrob 05-29-2007 03:49 PM

nonononoooo.... :) You're definatelly not looking at the right place. I think I need to send my printscreens to show you. OK? Well, check these:
On the right side of the image, you will see small thumbnails, click on the next, so you will see it in big. They are in the right order. If you accidently browse my folder, on left (under véletlen képek) will be random images from the whole site, not my pictures. If you see a girl, a tree, a cat, etc. on those pictures, thats not me.

i searched for mc, but it wasnt there... or at least, i didn't see it. maybe i looked in the wrong places.
It cannot be. Check screenshots again: the last two pictures. Don't forget to scroll down in results, when search is completed.

i only know the password i use to login, but i am the only user name there is, so i guess i am the admin
Commonly in distros you cannot login as root from graphical login, as this "feature" is turned off. Who installed your Ubuntu? You or somebody else? If not you, you should ask for the root password. As I remember correctly, even in ubuntu it is asked to give a root password, during installation process.

but would that not make my password the admin, and therefore root, password?
Commonly no. In Ubuntu everything is possible. As I told you before, ubuntu has a "special" user management, which I don't really understand how works. In any other distro everything is clear.

well not your stereotypical female... yours because it was you who I was talking to, but not like yours because theyre yours, like they belong to you, or that they are the stereotypes that you agree with or believe or anything...
Sorry, but it is too complicated for me, I don't really understand what did you write up here :) Could you say it again in a less complicated form? Thanks.

honestly i cant judge you (or anyone, really), i havent even met you, i have no idea what kind of person you are or how you act/what you believe. so I'm not dissing you (sorry if it seemed that way)
You don't have to apologize. You didn't say anything wrong.

just that that is society's stereotypical view of women...
Actually, you have a point. Regrettably, I can't say you're wrong, because it's true.

I know several men, including some of my teachers and one of my pastors who are biased against women and are still stuck in the thinking that women cant have jobs, they stay at home and love to cook/clean/etc
I had such a teacher too. On every lesson we had, he told something "negative" (to express myself "softly") about women. To sum up what he told on every lesson: girls are good for nothing. Sad. I don't understand how can a teacher be such a "gender-hater".

its annoying to be grouped in a "category" because of gender..
I am sad to see that this is happening in the 21st century. Decades went by, but still happening... :(

sorry if i insulted you in any way...
You didn't insult me in any way, so don't have bad feelings about this ;) .
P.S.: nice computer name you have... :D

theonetoblame 05-29-2007 07:41 PM


It cannot be.
this is the exact screen that comes up when i search for 'mc.' the only thing even remotely close is mcpp, which has nothing to do with midnight commander
from the above screen i clicked on settings, then repositories, and the window that came up had the title 'software preferences,' like the second url i sent before. i dont know what to do, its obviously not giving me the right window, or something else is wrong. but i clicked on repositories.


If you see a girl, a tree, a cat, etc. on those pictures, thats not me.
its good to hear that you are not a girl or a tree or a cat ^.^

HA HA!!!! i just figured out how to access the root user name and change the password! and i went to a terminal and typed in su and it worked!!! <.< now i have no idea what to do next... *goes to read previous posts* oh, yes... i still need mc :p


Sorry, but it is too complicated for me, I don't really understand what did you write up here Could you say it again in a less complicated form? Thanks.
basically, when i said your stereotypical female, i meant it as a general term. i used your because i am talking to you; i did not mean that those were the stereotypes you, specifically, agreed with or believed in. savie?:)


P.S.: nice computer name you have...:D
^u^ glad you like it

pusrob 05-30-2007 06:16 AM


oh, yes... i still need mc
OK. Nothing in repos. Quite interesting. There is an option in these situations. When you don't find something, vivit the following web page:
Here use the search field of course. Now, I did it for you, so visit this page:
Scroll down, and you will find mc (at 3/4 part of scroll bar). Click on the name of your Ubuntu version, scroll down on this page to "Download mc" section, and choose i386 architecture (click on it). On this page choose a mirror, and download the file.
After you downloaded the file, open terminal, su it, and navigate to your mc file. Here type this: apt -i "mc package name". A suggestion here: whenyou start typing the long mc package name, do this: type in the first 3 letters of the package name, and then press the TAB key. It will then automatically "type in" the following letters for you. When you installed mc, you will be able to handle separatelly downloaded packages with it. mc is a very handy tool.

Thanks. Now I understand.

glad you like it
listening to rock music, eh? :)

theonetoblame 05-30-2007 11:01 AM

its all there now. i downloaded the mc package and then used su in terminal to copy it to the codecs folder i created.

i am now attempting to download the w32codecs package you mentioned in your first post, which was, i believe, the original reason for getting mc in the first place (though not the only reason, of course). its not working though. the internet page is still "loading," which it has been doing for the past 15 min.


Here type this: apt -i "mc package name"
what was this for?:confused:


A suggestion here: whenyou start typing the long mc package name, do this: type in the first 3 letters of the package name, and then press the TAB key. It will then automatically "type in" the following letters for you.
this didnt work. when i hit tab it just tabbed over to the column on the other side of the window


listening to rock music, eh?
rock music is my life :) rock and screamo and heavy metal... all christian though (which many people dont think is possible, to have christian rock or christian screamo, but it is, and its all i listen to

pusrob 05-30-2007 03:05 PM


i downloaded the mc package and then used su in terminal to copy it to the codecs folder i created
Don't copy the mc.deb file to the codecs folder.
apt -i "mc package name": did I really typed this? This is not a valid command! Ouch!!! I don't know where were my thoughts. The valid command is the following:

dpkg -i mc-name.deb
mc-name.deb is the full name of your downloaded deb file. Sorry. This should work. This command installs the mc package, if not using Synaptic.

this didnt work. when i hit tab it just tabbed over to the column on the other side of the window
I guess you are talking about mc now. So you installed it somehow. Good. The TAB "auto typer" works only in terminal, and only when nothing is running in it (like mc).

the internet page is still "loading," which it has been doing for the past 15 min.
You're using firefox. Right? Well, firefox has a strange behavior when people try to download something. You press the link to download the file, and then it does nothing, at least it seems that it does nothing. Same for me. I figured out something: When I press to download something, firefox downloads the file, and when the download is more or less completed, only then it asks if I want to save it or not. I hate this behavior, thats why (there were other reasons too) I switched from firefox to Opera and Konqueror.
So, if you have mc, now you can copy the contents of your codecs tarball to the correct place. Your video players (Xine, MPlayer, or both) will automatically detect the codecs there. Nothing should be done afterwards. This is a very important package, because other players use xine or mplayer engine to play a movie or music. For example amarok, kmplayer, kaffeine, browser embedded players, etc. I recommend you to install both (xine + mplayer), because they don't behave in the same way. You can meet video formats, that will play in mplayer correctly, but in xine not, and the other option can happen too (xine good, mplayer no).

rock music is my life rock and screamo and heavy metal
Aham. Thats really nice. How many years are you listening to rock music? I do listen to Rock too. Mainly, I listen something from these subgenres: Viking Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Folk Metal, Progressive Metal and Gothic Metal.

theonetoblame 05-31-2007 01:47 PM


So, if you have mc, now you can copy the contents of your codecs tarball to the correct place.
im sorry, but what are codec tarballs? whats a tarball? :scratch:

i think i downloaded the codecs from,
(what you said to do in your first post), but i cant be sure. there's just a box icon on my desktop. does it need to be moved somewhere? and how do i know that it was actually downloaded, or that it will do what its supposed to (by the way, what, exactly, is it supposed to do?)? o.O


How many years are you listening to rock music?
a few years now... a friend of my introduced me to an online rock station ( ) and ive been listening ever since :)

and i finally got my internal speakers working :D i went to alsamixer with terminal (on the advice of one of my other friends) and tried un-muting everything (when i had done this before, i couldnt figure out where the mute/unmute button was :) ), and when i unmuted the master mono (which i hadnt even realized was muted), everything worked :p

pusrob 05-31-2007 03:58 PM


whats a tarball?
tarball is kind of slang(?) name for the "tar-ed" compressed archives. It is shorter and easier to say, than targzipped archive. So: if an archive was compressed using tar, it is a tarball. Most common: *.tar.gz or *.tar.bz2. Tar actually does not compress anything, it only packs (without compression) many files into one big file. This technology was invented, when people used tapes for storing data. Tapes couldn't store filenames, extensions and permissions so something was needed to make life easier. It was TAR (Tape ARchive). Tar was able to store names, extensions and everything, so after copying data back to computer, people could add any name to the file with a .tar at the end, so they could unpack files out there as they were before putting them onto the tape. Gz and bz2 are gzip and bzip2, they are the thing which actually compress the stuff. These apps can only compress one file. Here is where tar comes back. Tar pack the files into one file, than gzip or bzip2 compresses it, so you have a compressed archive which contains many files. It was not needed to design a file compresser, which can handle many files at one time. Cool, eh?

there's just a box icon on my desktop
That is your downloaded codecs tarball. Open mc and go here: /home/theonetoblame/Desktop I think you will find the file there, or you just can drag 'n drop to a more suitable place (/home/theonetoblame/temp for example).Open mc, and go to the tarball of yours, hit enter on it, so mc will go inside the archive. On the other panel of mc go to /usr/lib/codecs/ or usr/local/lib/codecs. The readme file says that the first path is good if using a prebuilt (you have this) package. Copy the contents of the tarball (without the dir!!! only what is inside the dir). You can do this: go to the side of the contents, hit * and than press F5. It will do the rest.

by the way, what, exactly, is it supposed to do?
Codecs decode compressed videos so, you can watch them. The same as you need a codec if you want to play mp3s (libmad).

a friend of my introduced me to an online rock station
Understood. I can recommend something too. This is:
This is a very good station. It has 3 channels: ChroniX Aggression, ChroniX Metal and CroniX Grit. They are all Metal channels, so you just choose one. This station also supports Linux too. Hehe. Not every station does this. Use XMMS to tune in. Did you know that XMMS can use classic Winamp skins, and you can import the winamp presets?

and ive been listening ever since
So you only listen to radio? Don't you have any own music? Any favorites? Interesting.

everything worked
Good to see that you figure out things on your own too :) .

theonetoblame 05-31-2007 07:41 PM


Cool, eh?
cool, but just a bit confusing :) lots of new lingo to learn, i guess


(without the dir!!! only what is inside the dir)
do i want a bunch of loose files floating around in my /usr/lib/codecs folder? O.o this seems strange, why not just copy the whole dir?


Codecs decode compressed videos so, you can watch them. The same as you need a codec if you want to play mp3s (libmad).
makes sense...


Did you know that XMMS can use classic Winamp skins, and you can import the winamp presets?
i do not know what XMMS is, but i use Beep Media Player for my regular mp3 songs, and ive been trying to download some WinAmp skins for it, only some work and some dont.


So you only listen to radio? Don't you have any own music? Any favorites? Interesting.
goodness, no. i have tons of songs/cds of my own, im not radio-dependent :) just most of the artists that i now listen to i heard for the first time on that station =D and of course, after listening to plugs on the radio for concerts of my favorite bands and going to the concerts, i hear new bands too that i like. so i buy cds, or get songs for $0.88 at, or share with my friends... i currently have almost 250 songs on my mp3 player alone, not counting all the ones currently stored on my other harddrive :D

pusrob 06-01-2007 10:13 AM


lots of new lingo to learn
Not too much. Just learn the basics, and than you will learn the others with time.

do i want a bunch of loose files floating around in my /usr/lib/codecs folder
This is 100% sure. That is why you created the codecs dir in /usr/lib a few days ago.

i do not know what XMMS is, but i use Beep Media Player for my regular mp3 songs, and ive been trying to download some WinAmp skins for it, only some work and some dont.
XMMS: X MultiMedia System. A music player, looks same as beep player, but can handle every classic Winamp skins. It is a quite old linux application, but it's still developed. You can install it from Synaptic too. It won many awards since its existance.

i currently have almost 250 songs on my mp3 player alone, not counting all the ones currently stored on my other harddrive
250 on your player? Nice. It has a big storage capacity I guess. On your HDDs you must have much more I think.

theonetoblame 06-01-2007 09:35 PM


XMMS: X MultiMedia System. A music player, looks same as beep player, but can handle every classic Winamp skins. It is a quite old linux application, but it's still developed. You can install it from Synaptic too.
hmm... i most definitely must look into this... :3 :3
although i looked for it in Synaptic, but did not see it. im afraid my synaptic is a bit outdated, or something... = ) it doesnt seem to have anything im looking for lol. ill just google it online, im sure i can find a free download somewhere : )


It has a big storage capacity I guess.
its a 1 gig ... and yes, i have more than twice that number on my harddrive :)


well, thank you for all the help youve given me to help me get started in linux :D i cant begin to tell you how much it is appreciated

ttyl :)

pusrob 06-02-2007 05:11 AM


im afraid my synaptic is a bit outdated, or something... = ) it doesnt seem to have anything im looking for lol
Maybe you didn't reload your package list. Press the reload button in Synaptic, and try again. Periodically do this reload (once a week), since this is the only way to know if there are some new/upgradable packages. After pressing reload Synaptic downloads something from the net, it is good. If no, only trying to get something from CD-s, its bad.

its a 1 gig ... and yes, i have more than twice that number on my harddrive
I am sure you will collect some more music, like me.

well, thank you for all the help youve given me to help me get started in linux i cant begin to tell you how much it is appreciated
Nothing to thank here, since this is why this forum exists. People ask, other people help. If you have other questions, just ask it in the correct forums, and somebody surely will help.
P.S.: what is ttyl?

theonetoblame 06-02-2007 06:51 PM


Press the reload button in Synaptic, and try again.
i found it, but it was in applications, under add/remove... so i installed it, and now i have lots of new skins for it :D


P.S.: what is ttyl?
Talk To Ya Later :)

pusrob 06-03-2007 05:02 AM

I am happy you found it. Happy further linuxing!
ttyl :)

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