Cannot set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .cshrc (able to set other env variables)
Hi all,
I' not able to set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable in my .cshrc file. This is what I have tried .
setenv OIVHOME /home/oivhome
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/oiv50/lib
setenv TESTVAR testvalue
The first line I have quoted was already present in my .cshrc file. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not declared before, (atleast when I try echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in a shell, I get LD_LIBRARY_PATH: undefined variable).
I added the third line to see if I'm able to set any other variables, and after relogin I'm able to see that TESTVAR is set, but LD_LIBRARY_PATH is still not set.
My default shell is tcsh and I'm editing my .cshrc file. (Does that make a difference ) I tried changing my default shell to csh, still unable to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Please advice