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Old 05-17-2012, 11:39 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
Distribution: Ubuntu 12.04
Posts: 8

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Cannot load more than one webpage/download item on Wifi (Ubuntu 12.04)

I recently added an Ubuntu 12.04 desktop to our computer collection. Originally it had a wired connection. I first noticed that when I was downloading music from my Amazon account that all of the other computers on our network could not load anything. The download speeds of the other computer had dropped to an abysmal 100-200bps. I thought that it may have been from the wired connection.

After getting an ASUS PCE-N10 PCI-E Wireless-N adapter (after an ASUS USB-13N USB adapter failed to work correctly) the problem still persisted. If two computers are running on the network and one of them tries downloading anything the other computer will lose internet. Likewise, if one begins a download while another computer is downloading anything, the first computer will stop to let the second computer download whatever.

Also, on the Ubuntu computer, if I am downloading something I am unable to load any webpages. Its as if the download sucks up ALL of the connection and won't allow some of it to other programs. Living with my boyfriend it's a constant struggle of "Watch TV or something while I download this".

Is there anything I can do to alleviate this problem? Mind you, I'm completely new to Ubuntu/Linux, so I have no idea where to even start.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Old 05-18-2012, 05:37 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Lewisham,London,UK
Distribution: Debian Wheezy AMD64
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I think what you're talking about is "Quality of Service" or QoS. You need a router that can cope with it - some routers are compatible with custom firmware like OpenWRT which enhances the router so that stuff like QoS is no problem. Basically, the very cheapest routers are unlikely to have the features you're after. Of course, if your internet bandwidth is big enough, then there's no problem. Your internet is behaving as it does because there's not enough bandwidth to go round, which is why it needs to be regulated in some way.
If you've got any old spare PC in the house then you can get free GNU/Linux router/firewall distros like Shorewall etc that are very good & have bags & bags of features, more than you'll ever need probably. When you install, a wizard usually takes you through the setup. If you've got a spare PC then that could be the best way to go, and a fun learning experience, and completely free (you'd need the PC to have 2 ethernet cards).


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