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Old 12-09-2009, 05:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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can someone help me find a distro that works with my PC?

Well first of all, ive always been semi-interested in linux, just never had the time to get aorund to playing with it - I have way too many other hobbies..hah.

Anyway I am looking for a linux distro so I can rule out whether or not it is windows7 or my onboard sound card causing me problems - I can only hear some sounds clearly (os, some in game sounds, ie. d2 music etc works, but cant hear npcs or character sounds, hl2 every sound works except for user ingame voice etc..) Ive tried everything and before I go and tear my computer apart and reset, format and fresh install everything I want to try and rule out whether or not it is just the operating system as I have a feeling reformatting and resetting cmos etc will do nothing and I will have to send the motherboard in for repair then, and I REALLY want to avoid having to do that if it turns out they send me the mobo back like "hey it works fine lulz", or rather if I can prove it is just the operating system.

Ive tried Ubunutu 9.1, and the latest version of DSL, but neither will boot properly and Ive read around it may be because my hardware is too new; here are the specs

AM3 Phenom II x3 720 BE
790x/sb750 chipset
DDR3 ram
GTS250 graphics

Im looking for simply a live version so I can quickly boot in, see if mp3s and other various sounds work, and if they do then I will be potentially keeping with some version of linux, or something else which I dont really know yet.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction


Last edited by glenthemann; 12-09-2009 at 05:45 PM.
Old 12-09-2009, 06:14 PM   #2
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Both should have booted. It might be how your cd/dvd drive is connected, some sata cd drives are difficult. Might have to make a bootable usb flash drive is that is the problem.

If you have time and want to try a few others try openSuse, Fedora 12, Mint8 (I know it is ubuntu based) to try.

Post what the problem is on booting.

Guess you should consider running memtest either from Win7 or the ubuntu disk first.

It might be that the drive or parts of are bad.
Old 12-09-2009, 06:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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Well DSL fails to load knoppix, and then I cannot do anything obviously

With ubuntu it just hangs whether I go into instalation or live, it gets to a black screen and a cursor spins around for about 40 minutes, and then a yellowish looking backgorund comes up and it just sits there forever, so I just gave up on that install.

The drive is brand new, as is my entire computer really its not even a month old, im counting by week still and ive had zero problems in any area other than my sound issues.

What do you mean how my sata drive is connected? I mean.. how could it be connected in a wrong fashion?

Last edited by glenthemann; 12-09-2009 at 06:25 PM.


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