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Old 02-19-2002, 10:47 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 1

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Post can not multiboot linux with Windows XP


I've been trying to install and load linux after i've installed windows xp for the pass two weeks.

(1)Whenever I autoboot with Linux, i get 0's & 1's running across the screen.
(2). If I choose not to autoboot with linux i get the normal boot menu option. When I choose Linux I get the error system32\Hal.dll is corrupted.

could someone help me , i need to start run my linux...

Old 02-20-2002, 11:54 AM   #2
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First of all, we will need some more details from you. What distro are you trying to install? What file system have you chosen? Basically, as much info as you can give us.
Old 02-27-2002, 11:18 AM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Plymouth, England.
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Rep: Reputation: 64
Originally posted by fuzzylogix by email
The file systems i use are linux native & linux swap each on a separate partition.
I load on linux native partition.

I'm can only loan linux root on linux native partition.

I've installed mandrake 8.1 by using the default options.

I hope that's enough info. I've re-installed linux about eight times or more and still the same result.
Er, what?

OK, so you have XP installed, it's running fine. You then install Mandy 8.1 using a separate partition for the / and a separate partition for the swap? Can you boot into either XP or Mandy? If not, what happens? If you have nothing important on the XP partitions, may I suggest this rather barbaric (and time consuming) method:
  • Boot from the Mandy CD. Do the installation in Expert mode and get to the partitioning bit. Get rid of everything. Create the appropriate partitions:
    1xVFAT (Blue)
    1xLinux SWAP (Green)
    1xLinux Native (Red)
    or however many you want.

    Reboot with a dos boot floppy.

    Install WinXP. I would advise you to install it with FAT32 instead of NTFS, unless you really need to use NTFS.

    Boot with the Mandy CD and use the EXPERT options. You may not think you're an expert, but believe me, it will be worth it. The questions are not too taxing, and there's a help box at the bottom anyway.

    Install Mandy onto the above partition (Red + Green).
    When it comes to the boot-loader sections, use Lilo, install it to the MBR. It should do a good job of finding out where XP is, and setting up Lilo for you. It will probably call the option 'dos' though. If you want, you can edit the lilo settings and change it, but you shouldn't need to.

    Reboot the computer. You should be presented with a nice graphical Lilo menu (it will have a blue background). Try booting to Mandy first.
Post your successes/failures here.


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