can't turn off screensaver...
I'm having a problem with the linux screensaver or power-saver-thing... I can't seem to turn it off. The monitor turns itself off after about 10 minutes of me not using the computer, which is really annoying as I often watch stuff on that computer while working on another computer.
I'm running debian. When I go to the menu and choose "Screensaver Preferances", it starts up and says:
The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display ":0.0". Launch it now?
So I hit OK to do that, and I get:
The xscreensaver daemon did not start properly. ...(some annoying warnings saying I'm running as root, which I do just so I can edit the files on my own computer reasonably)... Try running this command:
xhost +localhost
... so I type that command, and it appears to work.. but when I choose to restart the daemon, I get the same Error ("The xscreensaver daemon did not start properly...").
I'm not really interested in running a screensaver, mainly I just want to adjust the time so it won't turn off the monitor so soon... changing it to like 1 hour would be preferred... or if needed totally disabling it's ability to turn it off is fine too.