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Old 01-19-2010, 01:41 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 11

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Can't install Ubuntu

My hardware is-

HD-80 gb
RAM- 256 mb

i cannot install ubuntu.Which form of linux will be favourable for me???

thanx in advance........
Old 01-19-2010, 01:49 PM   #2
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Hello and Welcome to LinuxQuestions,

First of all, you should change the title of your thread so that it indicates what problem you're having. That being said, you'll need to provide more information, such as, what version of Ubuntu are you trying to install, what are the errors you encounter, ... Although 256Mb RAM is on the low side you should be able to install Linux. Please post as much information as possible about errors when trying to install. For instance, do you get to the language selection or does it even fail before the installer? Did you burn the CD/DVD from an image? If so, how did you burn it? The more information you provide, the faster we can come up with some answers and possible solutions.

Kind regards,

Old 01-19-2010, 02:00 PM   #3
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With 256MB...

Did you try Xubuntu? In addition read this.
Old 01-21-2010, 01:14 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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facing problems to find the right version of linux for my machine

Sorry.I am new to this forum so i didn't know the rules.I think i would slowly get accustomed.

As far as ubuntu is concerned,i downloaded the exe file from it's site and when i tried to install it showed the msg- 256 mb of memory is required for installation,only 239 is available.installation may fail in that you like to still cintinue?

As far as xubuntu is concerned,i tried to download it from it's site.But when i am entering the download links which are given there,the opened pages are showing a list of files & directories.I am totally a new linux user.So i couldnot make out which one i should download to install xubuntu.

Please help me bcoz i need it urgently for my project........

Thank you........
Old 01-21-2010, 01:23 AM   #5
LQ Guru
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No problem, you'll get accustomed quite fast

I agree with torkelljarl that Xubuntu might be a better choice when taking into consideration the low amount of RAM you have. Here's a direct link to the Xubuntu download.
Xubuntu Download

You'd probably need the first link on that page (PC (Intel x86) desktop CD). It's a link to download an ISO image, so once the download finishes you can burn it to a CD using your favorite burning software. Next boot from the CD and install Xubuntu.

Kind regards,

Old 01-22-2010, 04:31 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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Thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Old 01-22-2010, 05:53 AM   #7
LQ Guru
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I understand from your last post that you got your computer up and running with Xubuntu? If that's the case, congratulations. If you consider this problem/question solved than please mark it as such using the Thread Tools.

Enjoy Linux!

Kind regards,

Old 01-23-2010, 01:25 PM   #8
LQ Newbie
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Thumbs up Facing some problems with xubuntu

Thanx for supplying the link of xubuntu.

I have installed it,although i couldnot install it by booting.I first installed in E drive through windows & started using xubuntu with the option- Try xubuntu without bringing any change in your computer.This is because when i tried to install by booting from cdrom the window was strangely totally not visible.I mean to say,who have installed xubuntu knows,for each step,at the right bottom corner 3 options are given-Quit,Back,Forward/Next.My problem is that In some steps i can't see this options at all.I tried to 1st adjust the screen through monitor buttons,but it was of no help.Similar case is happenning when i am trying to run xubuntu by "Try xubuntu without bringing any change in your computer" option.The terminal screen is huge,within it the letters are huge.i am opening any window,can't see the bottom parts.Tried to solve through resolution,appearance options but it yielded nothing.I really can't make out what is happening.I don't know whether it is clear to you all or not...

Secondly,how can i open my hard disk drives???There is no option but i need it badly..........


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