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Old 09-03-2003, 04:26 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: toulouse (france)
Distribution: Linux Mandrake 9.0
Posts: 13

Rep: Reputation: 0
can't get in /home/$user

Hey there

I'm having some kind of problem :
the last two times I shut down my computer (from Linux), it went through all the shutting down process, turned off the monitor, but the box stayed on, so that I had to switch it off manually.

Now, when I open my Personal files (with Konqueror), it doesn't show anything, neither directories nor files.
If I try to get in with the File Manager (which is basically the same as opening my Personal Files), it doesn't show anything either.
If I open a console, I find myself in my personal directory, but ls hangs up. However I can cd in any subdirectory and ls it.

Some applications (or menu entries) don't work (ie Documentation>Howtos)

On shutting down, when unmounting the filesystems, I have an error message :
umount2 : unmounting /home [FAILED]
can't umount /home : device or resource busy

some other devices (/dev/pts among others) give the same output.

Is it bad ? Can I fix it ? How ?

I'm using Mandrake 9 with kernel 2.4.16-mdk
I installed overnet (in /usr/share/overnet, with all the permissions enabled, so that any user can use it) and the ed2k-gui recently : could it be related ?

Thanks for your help
Old 09-03-2003, 10:20 AM   #2
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Athens, Greece
Distribution: Arch
Posts: 182

Rep: Reputation: 30
I'm not sure.
but you can try umount -afl (with or without the fl)

you could also try:

good luck


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