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Old 05-08-2012, 03:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 19

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Calling Shell script while executing antscript

Hi ,
Am trying to run a shell script inside antscript.

Its executing but the shell script is not working as expected.
kindly assist in this.
 <exec executable="/bin/bash">
    <arg value=""/>
this is the one am giving in antscript to invoke the shell script.

where as the the shell script contains

echo "Please select the environment for deployment [ QA, SIT , PROD ] "
read environ
rm -rf
if  [[ "$environ" == QA ]]

       cp -rf * /dest/
       echo "QA config file has been copied"
elif  [[ "$environ" == SIT ]]
           cp -rf * /dest/
          echo "SIT Config file has been copied"
elif  [[ "$environ" == PROD ]]
        cp -rf  * /dest/
        echo " PROD config file has been copied "
echo " Please enter the correct environment as mentioned in CAPS "
It is executing only the echo and else part alone ... its not prompting for the user input ... any help would be really appreciated !!
Old 05-08-2012, 08:10 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Try this at the top of your shell script
set -xv
This shows in detail exactly what the parser is doing.
(Try calling your shell script directly to see what to expect)
Does 'antscript' actually allow/work with interactive cmds like 'read' ?


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