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Old 10-12-2007, 07:41 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
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Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Burning a Ubuntu install CD?

I don't understand how to burn a CD that installs Ubuntu. I don't want to make a Live CD. I want it to be able to install it and boot from the HDD.

I downloaded 7.04. I tried dragging the files into a Cd and burning it and also burning the image... Is there a program or some trick to it?
Old 10-12-2007, 07:56 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by john8775 View Post
I don't understand how to burn a CD that installs Ubuntu. I don't want to make a Live CD. I want it to be able to install it and boot from the HDD.

I downloaded 7.04. I tried dragging the files into a Cd and burning it and also burning the image... Is there a program or some trick to it?
I think that you might have missed the point.

You download the iso file of the distro you want - in this case, whatever version it is of Ubuntu.

You should then really make sure of the download i.e. so that you know it's not corrupted. Thats done by downloading the md5sum file at the same location that you got the main iso from.

If you only have windows, then you'll need a small app to check the md5sum of the downloaded iso - I used to use md5summer (google for it, download and install, then run it against the downloaded iso).

If the numbers match, you can then go ahead and burn the iso - the method of which will depend on what burning software you have available.

With Ubuntu, it's a live CD that you'd boot and then from the live CD desktop, click the "install" option and it installs to wherever you tell it to.

Yes, you will probably have to install the linux bootloader (the version of it that usually comes with Ubuntu is called "grub"). You will also have to tell it to overwrite the windows bootloader, that's quite common. It really needs to be on the MBR of the first section of the first hard drive (if you have more than one). Thats so it can see all installed OS and offer you the choice of what you want to boot when switching the system on (that means whatever installed version of windows you have as well as the linux distro you've installed).

Result? Bingo, you have a new dual boot win/linux system to play with.



Last edited by bigjohn; 10-12-2007 at 07:57 PM.


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