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Old 07-05-2003, 03:32 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: China
Distribution: Red Hat 9
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Both Hdds booting to Linux

I have Windoze on HD-0 and yesterday loaded RedHat 9 x86 on HD-1. Today I want to boot to Windoze but both Hd1 and Hd0 boot to Linux. (There are 2 Hard Drives). Grub version 0.93 comes up and only gives me one choice - Linux, but I do have the option of 'e' for editing, 'c' for command line and 'a' to modify kernel arguments.

I'm a newbie, and after looking at appendix G in the manual I can't find anything that will help.

Old 07-05-2003, 03:40 AM   #2
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I haven't used grub, so I don't know but if it was LILO, I'd say you need to add your Windows system to lilo.conf and run lilo again. I believe there is an /etc/grub.conf as well. Maybe look into that file. If it shows a Linux entry and nothing but, you probably need to add a Windows entry. Not sure of the syntax of it, but google 'grub.conf' (or search this site) and maybe that'll work for you.

Does 'e' edit grub.conf directly? If so, that'd be the thing to do.
Old 07-05-2003, 03:56 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Dear Digiot,
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I'm a beginner and can't figure out what you are saying. What is .conf?

Old 07-05-2003, 04:41 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Just to add more info re my problem:

My hardward browser looks like this:



hda1 1 13 102Mb ext3

hda2 14 5005 39158Mb ext3


hdb1 1 32 251 Linux-swap

33 4865 37911 Free space

When I installed RH9, it went on a new hdd on the same ribbon cable as my Windoze hdd. Windoze hdd is master, and Linux hdd is slave. The idea is to boot to cmos and change the boot device from hdd0 to hdd1 to switch operating systems. When Linux came to the partition manager, we let it do it instead of choosing Disk Druid. Hence, the problem I have now. (My hacker friend helped me post this one, but we still don't have a solution).


Last edited by HuggyBear; 07-05-2003 at 05:46 AM.
Old 07-05-2003, 04:23 PM   #5
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Hi HuggyBear

I would personally re-install Red Hat 9 on your second hard drive but choose Lilo as the bootloader, not GRUB. Then you want to log on as ROOT user in Red Hat - go into your /etc directory and find a file called Lilo.conf - open it using a text editor and scan down the entrires until you see one that starts with "other=..........." you want to make sure that this entry correctly points to your Windows drive on /dev/hda - I'm not sure of the syntax - somebody else will probably post the correct sysntax - just make sure after you've pointed to your Windows drive correctly in Red Hat.s Lilo.conf file you go to a console and type /sbin/Lilo - this will create an entry in the Lilo bootloader menu for when you next boot up - youll then have entries for both Red Hat 9 and Windows providing you've used the correct sysntax to point to your Windows hard drive - hopefully somebody will post it soon - good luck
Old 07-05-2003, 09:32 PM   #6
Bruce Hill
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I will be doing HuggyBear's install. I don't remember seeing the option for LILO vs. GRUB. Can you be more specific?

He has two 40GB hdd's. He wants XP English, XP Chinese, and RedHat 9. Any more suggestions would be appreciated. I also don't want to install Everything at the package list, but don't know what he needs and doesn't need. This comp will be networked. He has an ADSL modem and an Edimax BR-6104 router. He has a Palm which he uses and will want to sync with RedHat, plus he will use Evolution for his email.

Old 07-06-2003, 12:28 AM   #7
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Hi Chinaman

Red Hat 9 installs the GRUB bootloader by default - when installing Red Hat 9, just after you've dealt with the partitioning screen you come to the bootloader screen - there will be an option on the screen that says "change boot loader" - click on it and then click "use the Lilo boot loader" option - Red Hat will now use the Lilo boot manager instead of the GRUB boot manager.

Again - Iwould install XP first on the 1st hard drive - then Red hat second on the 2nd hard drive - make sure you choose Lilo as the boot manager and install it to the Master Boot Record (MBR) on your 1st hard drive - this will overwrite XP's boot manager but the key then is to go into Red Hat's lilo.conf file and make sure you point to XP correctly - ie try and tell Lilo which partition etc your XP installation is on - I'm not sure about the syntax to insert in Lilo for XP - somebody will post something soon - its a very common situation - there's quite a few posts in this forum on dual booting XP and Red Hat 9.

Regarding the package selection, I would choose a custom Red Hat install from the start - you'll get complete control over the partitioning, bootloader, adn package selection etc - with the package selection screen you should be able to go through the checkboxes and checkbox what you want and don't want.

As for the networking element, I persoanlly would just try and get a basic dual boot set up first adn to feel comforatble doing it - once you know what your doing - then think about re doing it with networking in mind.
Old 07-06-2003, 10:26 AM   #8
Bruce Hill
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Thanks for the info. He wants to upgrade his machine, so I'll install the new mobo, cpu and mem before reinstalling the os's. That'll give me a couple of days to read up on LILO and search for information on the boot situation - actually triple boot, since we'll have Linux, Eng. XP, and Chs. XP.

I have my machine networked with samba. It seemed very simple and straight up. Only problem was changing ownership of folders so I could transfer files to them from my XP laptop. Just the internet connection may be enough for him to start out, though.


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