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Old 12-29-2016, 04:03 AM   #1
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Best partition for my system

My laptop has following specifications:

RAM : 4 GB
SYSTEM TYPE: 64 BIT, x64 based processor

i want to install DEBIAN-AMD64
Old 12-29-2016, 04:14 AM   #2
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Welcome to LQ.

You can make it more complicated, but try these 3 partitions:

root............. 25GB

swap............. 2GB

home............. remainder of HDD
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Old 12-29-2016, 04:22 AM   #3
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If you want hibernation to work, imo you should set swap the size of ram if not a bit more
Old 12-29-2016, 04:31 AM   #4
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I'd recommend

/boot 300MB
/ 25GB
/home 100GB
/usr 75GB
/storage, remainder of disk
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Old 12-29-2016, 04:51 AM   #5
Michael Uplawski
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Originally Posted by sagxam View Post
You will not be in trouble, if you accept the proposed defaults. Neither, if you switch of your Caps lock.

1 TY
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Old 12-29-2016, 12:04 PM   #6
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I am not an expert, not by a long shot. This is just what I have and what I have read.

I have read that a person should have a separate USR partition so if a reload of the OS is necessary all the programs and data will not be overwritten since they will be on a partition that will no be overwritten during install.

I do not have that.

I have 1/2 my hard drive for Windows XP Pro, the other half is for Slackware with a swap partition of about 1GB.

It has been pointed out in various places that the old "rule" of having a swap partition twice the size of RAM is passe in the era of systems with large amounts of memory.
Old 12-29-2016, 12:28 PM   #7
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Partitioning has nothing to do with programming itself, per sa'.

But if you are just looking for partitioning or Programming as separated entities advice then you came to the right place.

I'd go with the split system scenario for ease in saving user data if the system goes down to the point of needing a reinstall of said system. Taking into the concideration of the option of hibernation vs no hybernation swap dive size varitable.
Old 12-30-2016, 03:46 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by sagxam View Post
My laptop has following specifications:

RAM : 4 GB
SYSTEM TYPE: 64 BIT, x64 based processor

i want to install DEBIAN-AMD64
While there is not really a black and white answer, you need to think about first;

A) How many apps apart from the system itself do you intend on installing?

B) Do you want to be able to hibernate your system?

C) How much data would you be planning on housing in your 'home' partition?

If the answer to question A is not much extra than the system itself (and lets say that the system itself and bundled apps you get with Debian, come to say 15GB all up) you could probably have a 'root' partition of 30GB and be fine. You also need to factor in updates as well.

If the answer to question B is yes, then you will need at least a 4GB 'SWAP' partition.

And therefore you could allocate the remaining space to your 'home' partition.

I hope this helps.
Old 12-30-2016, 04:47 AM   #9
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Just take the defaults. I know many favor having /home on a separate partition, but I don't.

My systems are set up as follows:

8gig /swap
35gig /
The rest of the drive /storage.

In the event I reinstall, I just make sure to move what I want to keep to /storage, and reinstall and the only partition that gets overwritten is /. Some stuff, like virtual drives, stay on /storage.

Been doing it that way for years, can't bring myself to change.

Last edited by IndyGunFreak; 12-30-2016 at 04:50 AM.
Old 12-31-2016, 08:21 AM   #10
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You need a / partition for all your programs you intend to install, with a bit more just in case you later decide to install something you didn't think of - I personally use about 4GB for a normal system, but I would suggest 10GB as you have plenty of disk space.

You are on a laptop, so have at least as much swap as you have ram, so /swap 4GB.

All the rest of the disk can be given to /home.

By having a separate /home, you safeguard your data should you need to reinstall, or even change distro.
Old 12-31-2016, 10:51 AM   #11
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Me, I'd put two 100GB partitions for distro installs. An 8GB swap partition. And the rest for backups / storage.

128GB distro
128GB distro
8GB swap
736GB storage / backups / junk / media / etc

If it's not a laptop or you'll never hibernate / suspend you can leave out the swap partition and use a swap file of about 2GB just to slow you down enough to take action when you run out of RAM. This should allow you to have a 32 bit install and a 64 bit install. Which should help test things, play around, recover, and stuff. After a year+ of going that route I'd invert the partition order to wear out the other half of the media.

700GB storage
8GB swap
128GB distro
164GB distro

But mostly I use 32GB fast usb3 sticks for distros. And use fresh ones every 6-ish months. Cause they got cheaper and I don't trust the media type. Plus it's nice to rsync a bootable install to them when you need to otherwise wipe the main drive to do something that requires another ugly bloated OS that shall not be named. Most of my large disks are external for my uses and spend most of their lives disconnected and powered off.
Old 12-31-2016, 10:52 AM   #12
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sudo lsblk /dev/sd[a-z] -o model,name,size,fstype,label,uuid,mountpoint

I can re-install in about 10m using

MODEL            NAME     SIZE FSTYPE LABEL     UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
ST1000DM003-9YN1 sda    931.5G                                                       
                 ├─sda1  23.3G ext4             7dd08f35-b8fd-45bb-887e-8173d8b4bd6f /
                 ├─sda2   4.7G swap             81ed2eac-2ca7-4222-8001-afcd80deb63a 
                 └─sda3 653.9G ext4             73ad6983-2117-4353-a8ad-e4d02f16f539 /home
ST1000DM003-1CH1 sdb    931.5G                                                       
                 ├─sdb1    25G ext4             b06ccee0-4ac2-4726-9788-e1d1b43e9e9e 
                 ├─sdb2  15.6G swap             56e2ef76-3662-485c-9bd1-019945b74732 
                 ├─sdb3   408G ext4             f7ea8c67-a5da-491b-9fe0-1023156eac81 
                 └─sdb4 482.9G ext4   timeshift f9559e1c-43e6-422e-a70c-c6f820dde179 
My Book 1130     sdc      2.7T                                                       
                 └─sdc1   2.7T ext4   external  3f4087c1-649e-4f30-aa4c-648eb5750cfc /media/jj/external
I have to get "up on LVMs" in 2017...
Happy New Year.
Old 12-31-2016, 11:40 AM   #13
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Talking from @Habitual
sudo lsblk /dev/sd[a-z] -o model,name,size,fstype,label,uuid,mountpoint

that is my ssd and 750GB set up.

MODEL   NAME     SIZE FSTYPE LABEL   UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
Samsung sda    232.9G                                                     
        ├─sda2  42.5G ext4           a2af02da-4b76-467a-b63b-0b0ec296ca0d /
        ├─sda3 146.7G ext4   ssdData 361c2abd-5393-4f12-af4d-6ef881f99a48 /media/data
        └─sda1  43.8G ext4           0baa980f-bb05-444c-b174-0c8fd2492a53 
ST750LX sdb    698.7G                                                     
        ├─sdb4 550.3G ext4           2cbaed98-039f-45d4-bf0d-4eb200009ec4 /home
        ├─sdb2  97.7G ntfs           6602CF6F02CF42B3                     
        ├─sdb3    14G ext4           8df8b3c8-7480-4dd1-b246-be5666f9c2f5 
        └─sdb1   350M ntfs   System Reserved
MQ01ABD sdc    931.5G                                                     
        └─sdc1 931.5G ntfs   NTFS1TB 7C3AD2CA15DC1B47                     /run/media
My Pass sdd      2.7T                                                     
        └─sdd1   2.7T ext4   WD3TB   89f35fb4-9578-42ca-9244-0f4b5ef1604d /run/media
Marked in bold are my / - root or OS only partitions.
I've found around ~50GB for / OS leaves me with plenty of room for added apps and I'd like to try that installs

my home is shared with all three of my Linux OS'es - I know the drill - "that's not safe", but if you know what you're doing it is ok to share the same /home/user between distros.

For added storage
with externals that just happened to be plugged in as I am working with them . 1 internal laptop 2.5 " and 1 wd encased external

I've found that getting an internal laptop 2.5 inexpensive and useful for external HDD's

last is in the red: windows - just in case and it was free so why not keep it install.

Plus I have a chunk on sdb 36.37GB of unallocated that I need to merge back into my /home whenever I get around to it, or install another Linux Distro. Haven't decided yet.

Trial and error is a big part in figuring out what Sizes you'll actually be needing because it goes in accordance with your needs.That you'll eventually figure out after you get into Linux and get done trying everything under the sun that you can install then settle down to just installing what you use. Still remembering to keep a little extra space for them, I'd like to try that installs as well.

Keeping extra space for growth too is needed.

Last edited by BW-userx; 12-31-2016 at 12:09 PM.
Old 12-31-2016, 12:28 PM   #14
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You are on a laptop, so have at least as much swap as you have ram, so /swap 4GB.
Agree, I should have said that before.

But never the less, here's my output for the lsblk command (good command btw, thanks guys!)

MODEL            NAME             SIZE FSTYPE      LABEL         UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
KINGSTON SVP200S sda            111.8G                                                                
                 ├─sda1             2G swap                      a858764d-4cec-46c9-b3f8-9c21294cf030 [SWAP]
                 ├─sda2          50.9G ext4        rootvolume    4b9b8327-137a-425c-acec-622a9959075c /
                 └─sda3          58.9G crypto_LUKS               2dab3fb2-1d09-4eee-9322-3a42de9b3293 
                   └─crypt_sda3  58.9G ext4                      5a86fea4-6382-4488-b53f-82006d6b181a /home
WDC WD2000JS-00P sdb            186.3G                                                                
                 └─sdb1         186.3G ext4        restorevolume 14f4df74-cc56-438f-bbc1-6e2eb52bb78e /restorevol
ST2000DM001-9YN1 sdc              1.8T                                                                
                 └─sdc1           1.8T ext4        multimedia1   70bffaeb-9171-4c23-81b5-2fee4a7842af /multimediavol
The first HDD is a KINGSTON SVP200S 120GB SSD SATA3, with three partitions on it (that I use for the OS and home partition).

As you can see the first one (sda1) is for the SWAP partition (used for hibernating the system and has currently broke on me, the software side of things not the partition itself).

But moving on... sda2 is the root (/) partition where the OS and installed apps are housed.

sda3 as the word crypt suggests, is my encrypted home (/home) partition.

The second HDD is a Western Digital 200GB non-SSD SATA, with one partition (sdb1) on it that takes up 100% of the drive. I use it for clone my first HDD onto (using Clonezilla to take a 'disk' image of the first HDD. And restore the 'disk' image back from, if needed).

The third HDD is a Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 (AF) 2TB non-SSD SATA3, with one partition (sdc1) on it that takes up once again 100% of the drive. I use just for video/multimedia related stuff, the reason I brought it for in the first place.

The reason I have not taken my own advice is because my first HDD is only 120GB. And with PCLinuxOS as my distro, it's barely pushing 14-15GB in used space. And I should also say/ should have said first, apart from VM's, I don't need a hell of a lotta space for the /home partition.

BTW. They are all internal SATA/SATA3 drives, connected to the motherboard/mainboard's integrated SATA controller and there are therefore, no external drives in the above output.

Last edited by jsbjsb001; 12-31-2016 at 01:00 PM. Reason: fix up mistakes


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