Originally Posted by Keith Hedger
Sorry to be picky but BASH is a shell NOT a terminal, if you are teaching newbies and we were all noobs once, it's important to get the terminology right from the start
That's a pet-peeve of mine. console vs. terminal and all the other incorrect nomenclature that sneaks into Linux from another notable OS.
Graphical labels for textual things, files vs. "folders".
Screen dump of a console titled "I can see the folders.". What "folders"?
But it always leads back to the basics. The nomenclature.
I don't always get it 100% correct.
These may seem like small things, but to me, it's pretty important.
I generally skip replying to posts that don't use correct nomenclature.
Users don't want "correct labels". They want it fixed, and soon, no matter what it's called.
and tossing out a "correction" infuriates the user.
Just sayin'
googlebookfacetube.bomb is not a teaching tool.
"You don't need to use the terminal to use linux?"
"point and click comfort you are used to"
25,000 subscribers can be wrong, if that's the way they're taught.