Hi Guys,
I'm kinda a Newbie still, what with spending most my time on Win7, however for processing diffraction images from synchrotron X-ray source I have to use a program called XDS. Now below are details for installing an Interface program "xdsi". Now I've got as far (I think) as editing the "~/.bashrc file and adding a PATH for "xdsi". (By the way I'm running Fedora 14 - 64bit, on a ThinkPad T410)
This is:
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
export PATH=~/XDS-INTEL64_Linux_x86_64:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/bin/xdsi:$PATH
From the page:
The instructions are:
To install XDSi
* Download xdsi.tar.gz at XDSi
* tar -zxf xdsi.tar.gz; you get the files xdsi, xdsi_doc.pdf and the folder templates
* open the file xdsi with a texteditor and change
o set Templates “/mydir/templates” to the correct path
o set initial “/mydir/SLS-2009” to the path where your synchrotron data are stored
o depending on your installation you may have to change globally xdsviewer to xds-viewer
* put the file xdsi somewhere in your $PATH (e.g.: /usr/local/bin), chmod 755 xdsi and source ~/.cshrc
* You should now be able to start XDSi via the command xdsi
Now after logging out then in again I type "xdsi" and get:
bash: /usr/local/bin/xdsi: /usr/bin/wish: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Now I'm lost.
PS. The email contact for this software on the xdswiki for xdsi is no longer valid (I've already tried with this problem to email it).