Hello guys/gals/etc (scroll down for quick question)
I have been assigned the task of developing a free WISP solution, marvellous. I am not a keen developer but I am determined to do this. Whether I can do it within a man-hours timescale that actually means we have in-house management for a cheaper implementation cost than actually buying one is dubious.
I will be using FreeRadius (auth/accounting) and MySQL (user/accouting tables). Now here is the funny part...
I know sweet F.A. about Linux and before I can do this I am trying to make it look as much like windows as possible.
Q. Does anyone have a good source for excellent beginner tuition (web/book) in using Linux?
p.s. If anyone is UK based and doesnt mind being bugged a little for the simple answer (like commands for this and that) then a mail would be great!