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Old 06-21-2008, 01:16 AM   #1
ashtey john
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2008
Posts: 1

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Axiom 25 midi Keyboard trying to use with ubuntu or any distro to create and share

Hello all,

This is my first post, because this is the first question i have not found an answer for by searching. I'm relatively new to linux with a lot of windows experience and have found my experience quite welcoming. I bought an EEE pc with Xandros Debian pre-installed, and this has opened my eyes to the world of Linux and have had good luck modifying and installing new programs that have went above and beyond my expectations. I started by dual booting my desktop with Ubuntu 8.04 64 on my xp desktop which worked well and i like the interface and pretties that come with it.

I found a distro of ubuntu called ubuntu studio that is designed for the music, video and imaging individual in mind. I bought a seperate hard drive and installed ubuntu studio but after using ubuntu studio i am unable to make my keyboard work with any program. I want to use my Axiom 25 keyboard i bought three years ago with any program that would allow me to create some kind of music with it.

The problem i have is that there are no drivers for linux and i don't know how to use NDISwrapper to use the windows or mac drivers for it. I am not sure if there is a program that would easily interface with keyboard, but i would like to find out. I have looked at rose garden and Lyn studio but neither worked well... something about a jack something is not running. the keyboard turns on and i found a program that recognizes it is an axiom 25 but did not do anything. I am hoping for help from the linux community, but i am unsure how to ask. please help me if you have any information or know of something i could do.

Thanks in advance,

Ashley John


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