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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 05-14-2012, 04:03 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Galway
Distribution: Suse 10.1
Posts: 114

Rep: Reputation: 15
awk while loop over two variables

Given two lat, lon coordinates, I'd like to output a file with intermediate coordinates at increments of 0.5 (say). So using the coordinates pair (38, 60) and (40, 62) as an example, I'd like to get:

38.00  60.00
38.00  60.50
38.00  61.00
38.00  61.50
38.00  62.00

38.50  60.00
38.50  60.50
38.50  61.00
38.50  61.50
38.50  62.00

39.00  60.00
39.00  60.50
39.00  61.00
39.00  61.50
39.00  62.00

39.50  60.00
39.50  60.50
39.50  61.00
39.50  61.50
39.50  62.00

40.00  60.00
40.00  60.50
40.00  61.00
40.00  61.50
40.00  62.00
(Blank lines are included here for ease of visibility)

Using the code snippet below, the lat variable (i) doesn't increment, and the program terminates giving just:

38.00  60.00
38.00  60.50
38.00  61.00
38.00  61.50
38.00  62.00

set lat1 = 38
set lat2 = 40
set lon1 = 60
set lon2 = 62
set increment = 0.5
awk 'BEGIN { i = '"$lat1"'; j = '"$lon1"'; while (i <= '"$lat2"') {while (j <= '"$lon2"') {printf "%5.2f  %5.2f\n", i, j; j = j + '"$increment"'}; i = i + '"$increment"'}}'
Any help would be appreciated.
Old 05-14-2012, 04:14 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2002
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Your problem is that the j get's incremented to the max on the first run of i,
and never reset ....

echo ""|awk -v lat1=38.00 -v lon1=60.00 -v lat2=40.00 -v lon2=62.00 -v increment=0.5 -f lat.awk 
38.00  60.00
38.00  60.50
38.00  61.00
38.00  61.50
38.00  62.00
38.50  60.00
38.50  60.50
38.50  61.00
38.50  61.50
38.50  62.00
39.00  60.00
39.00  60.50
39.00  61.00
39.00  61.50
39.00  62.00
39.50  60.00
39.50  60.50
39.50  61.00
39.50  61.50
39.50  62.00
40.00  60.00
40.00  60.50
40.00  61.00
40.00  61.50
40.00  62.00
cat lat.awk
  i = lat1; 
  j = lon1; 
  while (i <= lat2) {
    while (j <= lon2) {
      printf "%5.2f  %5.2f\n", i, j; 
      j = j + increment
    j = lon1
    i = i + increment

Old 05-14-2012, 04:22 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2006
Location: Galway
Distribution: Suse 10.1
Posts: 114

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15


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