I've marked this solved, and thank you to
hydruuga for most of the inspiration on this...
After further research, here is what I did...
1) The drive was already formated in XFS - did that in the install - it just wasn't mounted.
2) Used
lsblk to show that the drive was unmounted and in /dev/sdc1
3) Used
blkid (as sudo) to get the UUID for sdc1
4) Edited /etc/fstab with vim and added UUID={the uuid} /mnt xfs defaults 0 1
5) rebooted
6) verified with
lsblk that sdc1 was now mounted to /mnt
7) used
chmod 777 /mnt so that I could read, write and execute everything in /mnt
8) since this was a clean install - all my 'concerned' folders were empty so in /mnt I used
mkdir to add Downloads, Videos, Music and Work (I personally use Work - not a defaulted folder)
9) then under /home/me, I
rmdir those same folders
10) then ran hydrurga's
ln -s command for each folder in question!
Thank you very much for your help in solving this!