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Old 01-31-2010, 04:23 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 1

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Aspire One & Linpus Lite - USB Flash Drive Problem

Hello forum,

I'd first just like to say I assume the operating system for the Aspire One i have called 'Linpus' made by Linux is designed to be effectively bullet proof (it being a netbook), and as such installing any new programs or modifying anything is a bit more tricky. I didn't realize this, although I am fully behind my choice of Linux over Windows still, I just didn't realize it was a 'lite' version that meant simple tasks were a bit more complex.

That said, would most people suggest changing the OS of this 1gb RAM 8gb HD netbook to a more open version of Linux? If this is even possible or recommended. Not sure what the options are, would love a heads up.

But to my main question. I am trying to update drivers on my old Windows DELL Inspiron which I 'nuked' using DBAN (which was loads of fun when I finally got it to work! Loved typing in 'autonuke'!! ) so need to download its wireless driver files i 'nuked' using my Aspire One and Linpus - hopefully directly to the USB Flash drive I have made by Lexar.

However, when I plug in the USB Flash drive to any of the 3 USB ports there is no automatic response. I can't find it using my 'windows knowledge' looking through folders and such, and there is no 'My computer' icon in this Linux Linpus Lite. So where, please kind sirs, do I find my USB Flash drive? Does Linpus support this?

Thank you all so much,

David, London
Old 01-31-2010, 06:56 PM   #2
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You have Linspire on your machine so open a terminal and log in as root user and run the command: fdisk -l to see what output you get for drives/partitions. Have the USB flash plugged in. Do you have the model with a hard drive or just the SSD? If the USB blank? formatted?
Old 01-31-2010, 07:29 PM   #3
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Sorry to hear about your demise with M$.

If you are wanting to download and transport the drivers via a flash then you need to be sure that the M$ machine can read the usb. I suggest that to keep things compatible then choose a FAT32 filesystem.

As for the Linux side, you can open a console as a normal user then either 'su' or 'sudo' to do a 'fdisk -l' to show disk partition information. You would then use that information to either manually mount the desired filesystem or diagnose as to why the filesystem is not mounted.

Just a few links to aid you;

Linux Documentation Project
Rute Tutorial & Exposition
Linux Command Guide
Utimate Linux Newbie Guide
Getting Started with Linux
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Linux Home Networking

The above links and others can be found at 'Slackware-Links'. More than just SlackwareŽ links!


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