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Old 08-13-2003, 01:48 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 12

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Ark Linux - need some help with some stuff...

Hey all!

Decided to give Ark Linux a fair chance on my second computer here and since I have I've learned a bit about it and it's actually a pretty cool OS!

Now, I have some problems and was wondering if anyone could help with these.

First: I have a Sound Blaster Awe 64 ISA card in this computer and while Kudzu detects and "configures" it at startup I don't see an indication of it working properly as of yet. I have no idea what to do about this and was wondering if anyone had an idea of how to get sound working correctly in Ark Linux Alpha 8?

Second: I got my network card enabled - wow, was that easy! 2 clicks away and on the internet. I enabled LISa and it even detects my home network and I can browse to my Windows machine! (WOW!). So it's setup, however, I screwed up being the Linux newbie I am. I got the login prompt for the Windows box and thought I just needed a password - typed in the windows machine password for the partition and without thinking clicked on "Save this password to the list...". Now it won't let me log into the Windows machine and I never get a chance to change the password! How can I fix this so I can log into that machine? I'm assuming that the username is simply the name of that computer and the password is the password on that shared drive - if I'm wrong on this someone please correct me.

Third: I have a Compaq Optical PS2 2-button Wheel Mouse. The scroll-wheel worked fine in every other distribution of LInux but for some reason not in Ark Linux? I think I can get this working but if someone has suggestions before this please let me know.

Got a lot done so far since installing it since I got the Internet up and running as well network access and making various config changes to make it "comfy" feeling for me in KDE 3.1 I'm enjoying it, just so much to learn! Anyway, thanks for being here as always everyone and I look forward to hearing all of the advice.
Old 08-13-2003, 01:53 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 12

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Rep: Reputation: 0
One more question - doh....

One more question: With Virtual Desktops in certain other distributions it was easy! All you had to do is open up an app in the first one and keep it there, click on the second desktop and you'd have a completely fresh desktop. In Ark Linux for some reason it keeps all the apps down in the taskbar in every virtual desktop. I'm wondering how to get it to act like the rest where the application follows with the virtual desktop it is running on?

Thanks again for all the help! And I got my wheel mouse working again - just had to go into XFree 86 configuration and change it to a PS/2 Wheel mouse.


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