I want to switch my web server completly from windows to linux. and i need help doing the following (Please remember im a
1. I dont know how to install Apache 2.0.47. I downloded a file called httpd-2.0.47.tar.gz hoping i could use the documetation on the apache site to install it but im still a newbie so i didnt understand it.
2 i need to install PHP 4.3.3 but i dont know how. I saw thew documentation but i thought i could not install it yuet because i need apache.
3. I need Perl to be running on the server. i downloded ActivePerl 5.6.1 from the active state website. But i dont know how to install it and i thought i cant istall it yet because of apache.
4. Does Apache support ASP Pages? I searched google and found that i need Apache::ASP for asp to run on apache is this true or will it work with out it. If i need that aswell, guess wot ( hehehehehe) I dont know how to install it aswell.
Can any one help me?