Apache installation
Here is how I install my Apache2.0.48 package:
- tar -zxf httpd-2.0.48.tar.gz
- cd httpd-2.0.48
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so
- make
- make install
I get these error messages after comand "make install":
libtool: install: warning: `modules/aaa/mod_access.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/aaa/mod_auth.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/filters/mod_include.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/loggers/mod_log_config.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/metadata/mod_env.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/metadata/mod_setenvif.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/http/mod_mime.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/generators/mod_status.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/generators/mod_autoindex.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/generators/mod_asis.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/generators/mod_cgi.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/mappers/mod_negotiation.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/mappers/mod_dir.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/mappers/mod_imap.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/mappers/mod_actions.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/mappers/mod_userdir.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
libtool: install: warning: `modules/mappers/mod_alias.la' has not been installed in `/usr/local/apache/modules'
and cannot start the web server because it says,
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: mod_access.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Could you please tell me what I did wrong. Thank you.
Last edited by phamtranquocvie; 03-19-2004 at 07:53 PM.